Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Last ride of 2014

Waking up to the weather forecast predicting rain stating by mid-day and continuing through all of tomorrow (New Year's Eve), I jumped on the Harley to put in some final miles for 2014.  Chilly and windy conditions, as the weather front approached, I first stopped by the local Harley Davidson dealership to wish the crew a Happy New Year, then hit one of my favorite loops.

Devoid of most traffic during this second week of the Christmas - New Year holiday season, while riding along I recalled the year in the saddle.  Many, many great memories created during the thousands of miles ridden in this great country of ours.  Riding with my oldest buddy, plus recent and new acquaintances added tremendously to life on two wheels.

From routine rides during an average week, to the road trip to Oregon this fall, to Patriot Guard Rider missions, to relatively short day rides, being in the saddle provided the embodiment of independence uniquely enjoyed by we motorcycle riders.  Whenever possible, linking up with fellow Marines who ride simply added to the enjoyment.

As the new year dawns, sadly it will be too wet to hit the road in celebration.  That's why today's last ride of 2014 was important.  Can't allow the year to end without a celebration of the freedoms we Americans live with, day-by-day.  Freedoms that my fellow Marines (and soldiers, sailors, and airmen) ensured we can realize.  Of course, as the year ends I also think of the men and women in uniform who are deployed away from their families.  With many still going in harm's way, this old, gray beard Devil Dog recognizes and is thankful for their sacrifices.

In 2015, may all your miles in the saddle produce countless smiles.

Monday, December 29, 2014


As 2014 ends, if you are able, now is the time to make a donation to your favorite charity if you want to receive tax credit for this year.

Americans are known for our charity.  Motorcyclists are especially generous.

Let's all give so that others can have a better 2015.

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Inaccurate declarations

Our President has declared that combat operations are over in Afghanistan.  Unfortunately, as General Jim Mattis observed, the enemy has a vote and violence continues.

Our President has declared the world is a "better" and "safer" place.  Unfortunately, no one advised the families of those killed in Syria, the families of those killed by ISIS, those living in Ukraine, those who family members have been killed in Iraq and Afghanistan, those who daughters have been kidnapped by Boko Harim, those whose children were killed in Mexico, the families of our fallen military, or the citizens of North Korea and Iran.

Our President has declared that America is "less racially divided."  Unfortunately, no one informed the people of Ferguson, the people of New York City, Attorney General Holder, Al Sharpton, or the rest of the nation.

Declarations from our President are unfortunately all too often inaccurate, such as "if you like your health care plan, you can keep it, period" and "I'm not a king.  My job as the head of the executive branch ultimately is to carry out the law."

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Five days until Christmas

With five days until Christmas, be on the lookout for the motorcycle Santa.

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Motorcycles and country music - a natural combination

Motorcycles and country music are a natural combination, as motorcycles equal freedom and country music embodies American values, of which independence tops the list.

2015 will soon be on us, meaning more miles in the saddle and more time listening to country music.

This natural combination is critical today, as our great country faces threats, external and internal, to our values.  Think, for a moment, about the internal threats and put your thoughts in the context of popular music.

Does rap music extol and celebrate patriotism?  No.

Do hip-hop performances include displays of the American flag?  No.

Does electronic music stir pride in our nation?  No.

Does entertainer Chris Brown embody and demonstrate respect for women?  No.

Does Toby Keith travel to war zones to entertain the troops?  Yes.

Contemporary music, other than country, falls well short of praising and advocating American values.  Rather, contemporary lyrics are full of misogyny, violence, hatred, glorification of illegal drug use, racism, and disrespect for fellow citizens.

So, as I take to the roads in 2015, country music will be my companion.  Freedom, family, friends, and American values will fill my days.  

Monday, December 15, 2014

Just one person complained

The news today carried another story describing a school cancelling a portion of an activity, in this case a visit by Santa Claus during a holiday program for first-through-fourth graders, because one person complained.  Let that sink in for a moment.  A lone individual's complaint cancelled what would probably have been a smile producing element in a school program that enjoyed years of previous success.

How and why have we become a country so concerned with someone -- anyone -- expressing offense that we permit such expressions to result in such drastic action?  The above example is all too far from the exception.

Were I the site administrator at that elementary school, upon receiving the complaint I would have informed the parent that he/she was free to exclude his/her child(ren) from the overall program.  (Key point: only a parent of a child enrolled in the school would have standing to lodge a valid complaint.)  Taking such an approach would not have adversely impacted the children of the parents who supported the full program, including the visit by Santa Claus, while acknowledging and supporting the parent's stated concern.

We are a large, diverse nation, comprised of literally countless points of view.  This actually illustrates the tremendous and unique value of our freedom.  Just as we are free to have our opinions and points of view, unfettered by those of others or the government, we are equally free from having the opinions and views of others forced upon us. 

We should be concerned when a single, no matter how well intentioned statement of concern or complaint, results in denying others from enjoying their freedoms.

I am truly sorry the other first-through-fourth graders will miss the visit of Santa Claus, all because just one person complained.

BOLO (be on the lookout)

Christmas is getting closer, so be on the lookout for the motorcycle Santa.

Sunday, December 14, 2014

White House visits

A recent piece indicated Al Sharpton has visited the White House 61 times since 2009.

I wonder how many times either the Secretary of Defense or Secretary of State (regardless of who was in office) visited the White House over the same span of time?

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Quit complaining

Saturday morning at the local post office, twelve days before Christmas.  Standing in the predictably long line.  Folks mailing multiple packages.

All is going well.  People are being polite and courteous.

Then a guy towards the back of the line starts complaining.  "You got to be f&#@ing kidding me!," he says, almost under his breath.  We ignore him.  The line moves forward.

The guy continues to complain, this time a little louder, "What the f#*$!"  People around him politely ignore him.  The line moves forward.

The guy then says, "I can't f&#@ing believe this!"  Not shouting, but definitely within ear shot of most of us.

Smiling, I turn towards him and quietly ask, "Are you going to spend Christmas away from your family in a combat zone?  Are you going to carry a 60 pound ruck out on to a mission?  Are you going to risk being shot or blown up?"  He just looks at me.  I continue, "If not, then quit your complaining."

Friday, December 5, 2014

One-third and two-thirds


Today it was announced that the labor force participation rate remains just below 63%.  Investopedia.com defines labor force participation rate as, "A measure of the active portion of the economy's labor force.  The participation rate refers to the number of people who are either employed or are actively looking for work.  The number of people who are no longer actively searching for work would not be included in the participation rate."  

So, keeping it simple for an old Marine biker, roughy one-third of those adults capable of working, of being employed, are neither working nor actively seeking employment.

Realizing this one-third of the nation is not producing income leads one to conclude they are receiving some form of public assistance.  Probably a very great deal of public assistance, because one has to wonder how one-third of the nation is able to otherwise survive.

Looked at from another perspective, it is easy to conclude two-thirds of the nation "who are either employed or are actively looking for work" are paying higher taxes in order for the various levels of government to support the one-third of the nation that are neither working or actively seeking employment.

Is it just me or is this simply absurd?

One-third of the nation isn't working or seeking employment.