Saturday, March 26, 2016

The real America

Southern California
26 March 2016

By rough counts, 280 bikers (many, if not most of them veterans) came together to escort fallen Marine Corps Staff Sergeant Louis Cardin home from his arrival at March Air Reserve Base today.  In a first, the hundreds of bikes were permitted to enter the base for this special mission.  

As the procession made its way south on I-215 from the base to Route 74, it was so massive that law enforcement essentially shut down a long stretch of the freeway, before it turned east towards the small town of Hemet.  As we rolled down I-215, each and every overpass was crowded with American flags, countless people, and even a few firetrucks and first-responders.  Some people in the vehicles heading north on the opposite side of the freeway had pulled off, with many standing and saluting the procession.

Continuing to roll through the small towns on Route 74, hundreds and hundreds of people turned out to pay their respects.  American flags were plentiful, with people noted for standing at attention, saluting, or placing their hands over their hearts in tribute to this fallen Marine. 

Old and young, men and women, children and grandparents.  These real Americans took time today to stand in the sun in a display of condolence.  They halted their cars along the road in both directions.  No one complained about the momentary disruption on a Saturday afternoon.  

No matter what politicians and others may say, middle America...small town real and very patriotic.  These communities recognize and honor the service and sacrifice of their soldiers, sailors, airmen, and Marines.

The first-responders came out in force, from beginning to end.  As we rolled, law enforcement and fire departments helped stop and direct traffic, as they too honored Staff Sergeant Cardin.

Talking to one local resident after Staff Sergeant Cardin was safely delivered to the destination, I was told the procession "seemed to go on and on."  Funny, though, some were highly conspicuous by their absence.  I did not see one elected official in the procession.  

I did see ordinary people.  I did see men, women, and children.  I did see veterans, young and old.  I did see soldiers, sailors, airmen, and Marines.  I did see the Air Force Security Police saluting as we rolled by.  I did see riders of all races.  I did see the Patriot Guard Riders.  I did see the American Legion Riders.  I did see the VFW Riders.  I did see many military themed biker groups.  I did see flags flying from bikes.  I did see the Marine Corps Honor Guard.  I did see somber members of the community paying their respects to a fallen Marine.

I did see the real America.  

California public education is a mess

Dan Walters hits the nail squarely on the head in his piece about public education in California.

This part speaks volumes. "It’s evident, too, that a 56 percent increase in K-12 school spending over the last five years — up $23 billion per year — has not solved all problems."

56% increase in spending over five years! Outrageous, considering the return the taxpayers, parents, and students are not getting.

Governor Brown and the state legislature are beholden to their education union masters, caring more about reelection funded (illegally some say) by union dues. What is so distressing and disturbing is that this corruption is out in the open and the voters do not seem, as yet, able to halt it.

Surely, there are tremendous teachers working hard at a very demanding profession.

But there are union bosses and elected officials actively thwarting their efforts in the name of political power generated by massive donations to election/reelection campaigns. Donations NOT approved by the rank and file.

This vicious circle of corruption must be broken.

Friday, March 25, 2016

Honor, service, and sacrifice.

Saturday I will join what will undoubtedly be a large contingent of fellow veterans and bikers as we roll in the first of two missions to honor Staff Sergeant Louis Cardin, U.S. Marine Corps, KIA.  He was killed in combat last week in northern Iraq, in a war POTUS declared to be over.

I could write extensively about the political dimension, but choose not to, as it would dishonor my fellow Marine.  I write, instead, comparing those who send Marines to war and those Marines who go to war.

From POTUS to Congress to SecDef, the integrity deficit is profound.  Elected and appointed officials send our best and brightest to foreign shores to fight without the Constitutionally mandated declaration of war.  For far too long our young men and women have answered their country's call in these undeclared wars.  And often they do so in the shadows.  Case in point: the nation was unaware the Marines have an artillery battery from the 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit in Northern Iraq until SSgt Cardin's death forced their hand.  And the official spokesmen have acknowledged that the "troop ceiling' number they tout is inaccurate.  Using phrases like "temporary assignment," the actual numbers of men and women going is harm's way are much larger.  Utterly shameful.  The lack of honor, integrity, and ethics is monumental.  Balanced against this ineptitude are the courage and commitment of the soldiers, sailors, airmen, and Marines sent into harm's way.

These men and women embody what is best about our great nation.  All they ask, and have a right to expect, are competent leaders who will respect and honor their service and sacrifice, as well as their very lives.  These men and women stand head and shoulders above the elected and appointed officials, save some of those who have honorably served our nation in uniform and now speak out forcibly on their behalf.  

Not one of the average elected or appointed officials is worthy of the respect from those in uniform.  They do not embody the beliefs and honor of those in uniform.  Yet, they show massive disrespect by the manner in which the government treats them, including pay and benefits, and the ill performing VA.

May it be that not one more American serviceman dies for the corrupt politicians and appointed officials.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Riding is relaxing

Some might not think so, but riding is relaxing.  It doesn't have to be in an organized event, such as departing on Run for the Wall 2015 shown above.  Or escorting the Wall that Heals depicted below.

It can simply be a matter of rolling along on the open road, like this picture.

Riding is relaxing.  It can be solo or with friends.  Preferably in decent weather, but not exclusively.  Just cranking up the ride and hitting the road is cause for smiles.  

Sure, there is a bit of the biker mystique combined with the inherent freedom of the road.  And there is definitely more patriotism encountered in the biker community.  All of these factors add to the relaxation that comes from all being right when in the saddle and grabbing some throttle.

It is time to relax.

UPDATE:  It is sunny and reached 80 degrees today, quite a contrast with the snow falling in the midwest.  As the day comes to a close, I am really, really relaxed.  It was a joy being out on the bike today.  Even though a little breezy, riding under blue skies in warm temperatures was about as good as it gets.

Saturday, March 19, 2016

The nation might benefit

It is nearly nauseating contemplating either Clinton or Trump being elected president.  But might the nation benefit from such a horrendous outcome?

Should the unspeakable occur, one indisputable fact presents itself.  It would be a one term presidency.  

During that one term, it just might be that our nation finds its way again, recovering from years of gross incompetence in Congress and the White House.  Career politicians from each party would be removed by angry voters.  Idiots and fools in each party would be cast aside.

Of course, external and internal threats might increase, requiring a focused defense.  That focus might benefit the nation, as it comes together to fight the threat.  People might not be whipped into frenzies by the media.  Skin color, religion, political leanings, and other identifiers used by shameless politicians and the media would not matter, as we would find it necessary to come together to fight for survival.

The unethical and lying Clinton or the bigoted and shallow trump would be forced to face a nation united against her or him.  New lows in presidential approval ratings would only be surpassed by new lows for Congress.  Rejection of proposed legislation and presidential events would skyrocket.

As the four years of the one term president unfold, we might see a new awakening or reawakening.  People of differing views might find it necessary to compromise.  Idiotic pronouncements of the sort spewed by Reid, Pelosi, Clinton, Trump, Boehner, McConnell, Cummings, and others will not be allowed to stand.

Accountability will be demanded.  Serving the people will be demanded.  These non-negotiable positions will rise from the ashes of the worst presidential election in American history.

Politicians will be thrown out of office left and right.  Clinton or Trump might be thrown in jail.

Those seeking advantage at the expense of middle American will be cast aside.  The military will again be esteemed.  Our enemies will one more fear us.  Our allies will once more trust us.  

The GOP and Democrat political parties will be destroyed and be replaced by better organizations. 

The people will forget their differences while finding their common and shared values.  

American just might  be better in 2020 that it is in 2016. 

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Colonel Charles Dockery, U. S. Marine Corps (Retired) remembered

Five years ago this week, Colonel Charles Dockery, U. S. Marine Corps (Retired) was laid to rest at Arlington National Cemetery.

Known by his nickname "Doc" and callsign "Buzzard," he was a Marine's Marine.  One of a few who earned both Combat Aircrew Wings as an enlisted Marine while fighting in Vietnam and Naval Aviator Wings subsequent to commissioning after earning his degree at Texas A&M (go Aggies!).

Doc was indeed a Marine's Marine and it was my great privilege to have served with him.  More importantly, it is my great honor to call him friend and mentor.

Raised in Texas, he played football and was known to get into a scuffle or two as a young 'un.  He was also known for his honor, integrity, courage, commitment, and relentless patriotism.  Rarely was there a Marine more suited to wear the uniform than Doc.

I remember the laughs and serious times we spent together, including getting lost on an LHA during a port visit, his incessant snoring those nights in Korea, his keen and somber advice to young Marines (officer and enlisted), sharing a beer at the Marine Corps Birthday Ball, and standing shoulder to shoulder, in the face of opposition, for what was right.  

Even after our respective retirements, we remained in close contact, including the annual telephone calls each November 10.  During our last call, we moaned and groaned about not being able to get into the fight with our brother Marines in Iraq or Afghanistan.

Later on that gray day he was laid to rest in Arlington, I went solo to the Marine Corps Memorial.

Finding a quiet bench under one the trees, I sat, thought about Doc, shed some tears, and attempted to come to closure with his passing.  Now five years later, I still hear the sound of his Texan drawl in the air.  I still see his stern glare, but behind it the smile of a friend. And every remembered sight and sound is of that simply outstanding Marine.

Doc, rest in peace, brother.

Semper Fidelis 

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Bring question time to our government

While seated in the barber's chair this afternoon, my rather erudite barber had the TV tuned into C-SPAN and question time in the British Parliament was being broadcast.  According to Wikipedia, "Question time in a parliament occurs when members of the parliament ask questions of government ministers (including the prime minister), which they are obliged to answer."

Obliged to answer!

What a novel concept, foreign to our form of government.  For the elected representatives of the people to ask questions of the leaders of government which must be answered.

In no way recommending the parliamentary system for our country, it would nevertheless be refreshing and invigorating for the President and Cabinet to be "obliged to answer" directly those questions put to them in a public forum by members of Congress.  Instead, we endure carefully scripted and staged byplay between spokesmen/women of various entities.  Or vacuous, unchallenged statements from this elected official or that, often times offering as fact unfounded and ridiculous utterances.  And the so called press conferences POTUS rarely convenes are equally orchestrated.  He controls who is permitted to ask a question, an exercise of the ultimate in control in a free country.

As a result, our government's leaders are almost never called to answer the people.  They are never called to task, so to speak.

While viewing the British question time, I was also struck by the civility of it all.  None of the corse language increasingly, if not incessantly dominating American politics.

It would be very refreshing to institute question time in our country.   

Monday, March 7, 2016

Underscoring Clinton's unsatisfactory, disqualifying judgment

Though some choose to ignore the matter, excuse it, or want to wish it away, Ms. Clinton's deliberate set up and use of a private, insecure server for official -- including classified -- government business is very real.  

The recent Washington Post story that Ms. Clinton personally wrote and initiated 104 emails containing classified information underscores her unsatisfactory, disqualifying judgment.  In all, thousands of her emails have been determined to contain classified information, forever and irrevocably disputing her statement, “I did not email any classified material to anyone on my email.”

Based on her statements and those of her surrogates and spokespersons, she would want the voters to believe it was simply an issue of the information not being marked as such at the time she handled it; she simply passed on information others failed to protect; it is a matter of over classification; everyone else did it; or equally vacuous rhetoric.  A calm analysis again underscores these arguments.

At the worst, Ms. Clinton knowingly and deliberately established by affirmative action a system that bypassed (on countless occasions) federal laws and regulations governing the handling and protection of classified information, as well as federal records keeping subject to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).  If this is the case, her judgment was unsatisfactory and disqualifying.

As covered by the Washington Post piece, Ms. Clinton personally initiated at least 100 emails containing classified information on her insecure server, sending many of them to individuals who did not possess the requisite security clearances to receive said information.  Doing so again displayed unsatisfactory and disqualifying judgment.

Repeatedly, as addressed in a recent Washington Post piece, Ms. Clinton has parsed, misled, obfuscated, and misrepresented in her attempts to deny, justify, and nullify.  This approach to a serious problems again displays more unsatisfactory and disqualifying judgment.

Alternatively, Ms. Clinton was contemptuous of the contents of the nondisclosure agreement she signed at the beginning of her service as secretary of state, displaying equally unsatisfactory and disqualifying judgment.

Or Ms. Clinton is so ignorant of the government regulations and laws pertaining to the protection of classified information, contrary to her March 2015 assurances to the contrary, that her judgment in the matter is unsatisfactory and disqualifying.  As we know, ignorance of the law is no excuse for breaking it.  

No matter how one chooses to calmly analyze the publicly known information, no other conclusion can be drawn other than Ms. Clinton has irrefutably and profoundly displayed unsatisfactory and disqualifying judgment in this unambiguous matter.

Such a major character flaw can not, must not be overlooked when considering if an individual is qualified for the office of the presidency of the United States.

This blog was updated 9 Mar 2016.

Saturday, March 5, 2016

The sun was out, as were the Harleys.

The sun was out, as were the Harleys.  The Harley Davidson Demo fleet was parked at El Cajon Harley Davidson, providing an excellent excuse for ignoring politics to enjoy some miles and smiles.  Here is a picture of the semi that is hauling the bikes around.

And here is a picture of the 2016 bikes lined up between demo rides.

Despite forecasts of rain for late Saturday into Sunday and Monday, the sun was out and BBQ pulled pork sandwiches were available.  Chatted with old friends and met some new ones, including fellow veterans.  The biker lifestyle was alive and well.

And all was right with the world.