onetime I thought disagreeing with things was natural as one ages.
For example, my parents weren't too crazy about the music, style of
clothes, and other manifestations of our generation. As I am confident
their parents weren't thrilled about similar things in their youth. So differences
between generations seem normal.
Be as that may be, however, it
is clear the issues we now face are far more than generational. Our
entire belief system is being attacked on multiple fronts by multiple
means. This cultural war is being waged by politicians and activists
seemingly bent upon taking down the country. Belatedly in my view, the
heartland is rising up in anger against demands falsely labeled as
tolerance for difference.
It is not enough for some to plead for
tolerance for the secular lifestyle, they demand that all must accept
and support it. It is not enough to ask for acceptance of Muslims,
they demand that we yield to their views and cast out our Christian beliefs. It is not enough to
seek workplace equality for females, they demand preference and lowered standards, while demanding we demean masculinity. It is not enough to seek an end to racial
bias, they now demand racial preferences, racially segregated housing on
college campuses, and even reparations. It is not enough to seek solutions to the immigration problems, they demand rights reserved for citizens be accorded illegal immigrants.
Flying under this false flag of tolerance, they are actively demanding social and cultural changes. And since they can't make wholesale changes for the entire country, they have found one element within our nation in which they can make these social and cultural changes at will, a stroke of the pen. Executive fiat without care or consideration of the impact.
Most disturbing to me and fellow veterans is a particularly dangerous manifestation of these demands for social and cultural changes. The current administration, like Bill Clinton's, uses the military as their own
social science laboratory. Hating the integrity, sacrifice,
honesty, honor, courage, and commitment of the men and women in uniform,
Obama and Clinton have forced changes by edict upon the military,
changes that have nothing to do with combat preparedness or readiness.
They are intent upon social and cultural policies that do away with what is needed to
succeed in combat.
Concurrently they reduced budgets, selected for
senior flag officers many sycophants who join in degrading the military,
failed to gain Congressional approval for war, enacted
failed national security policies, appeased our adversaries, squandered crucial resources, and used men and women in uniform as
potted plants for photo ops. Flying under the false flag of tolerance,
they brought in others of their ilk to shove this crap down the throats
of the uniformed forces.
And because the progressives have not been able to squelch the rising voices from the conservative heartland, they continue to force the military to yield to their increasing demands, breaking faith with those who serve. Sadly, tragically it is not too surprising, since less than one half of one percent of the nation serves in uniform and the progressives are not in this group of patriots.
The disdain in which Obama and Clinton hold the military is well known and unquestioned. They and their fellow progressives, liberals, left,
Democrats, media, or whatever label best fits are actually the most
intolerant group in our country. Hence the vitriol surrounding the election, as the starkly different choices are magnified in the heartland of America.
must depart the path set upon by Obama in particular. We must turn
back by repeal, cancellation, legislation, repudiation, and other action
the injurious policies and actions of the past seven plus years. I truly believe the
majority of Americans understand this. The big question is whether they
will turn out in significant numbers to vote. Sadly, Trump's words and
actions work against getting the high conservative voter turnout
necessary to deny Clinton the presidency.
Profoundly telling, in conversations with fellow retired senior leaders, to a
man they have expressed that we could not serve in today's military.
We'd either be jailed for speaking our minds or simply depart rather
than force upon the youth of our nation the perverted social and
cultural policies demanded by POTUS and his cronies, who are simultaneously weakening our military to dangerously low levels.
Disagreeing with the actions of the current administration is not based upon generational differences. It is based upon injurious actions being forced upon the military under the false rubric of pursuing tolerance.
Only a high voter turnout can turn the tide.