One could certainly understand that a pervading sense of pessimism is bemoaned by others, as the calendar is about to change from 2017 to 2018.
Doomsayers, naysayers, conspiracy theorists, extremists (from both political parties), self appointed social activists, university and college professors, union leaders, male, female, public school teachers, journalists, media commentators, elected officials at all levels, non-elected government officials at all levels, red staters, blue staters, people of all races, people of all ethnicities, rich, poor, urban dwellers, farmers, straight, gay, questionable, and almost every other imaginable group are portrayed by the widely divided media as angry about something or everything. Whipping their bases into a frenzy, the various factions and individuals claiming to represent one view or another seem to be working overtime to sow and fertilize mistrust and division throughout the nation.
It is all too easy to answer their siren songs, regardless of an individual's core beliefs.
But as we move into the new year, let us urge resistance to the sirens of division. Why? Because far more examples of people coming together exist, in spite of what the naysayers and doomsayers preach, regardless of what we would have expected to believe.
Delving into the news, bypassing the sensationalism put out to inflame, and you will find stories of incredible kindness, generosity, and brotherhood. Average citizens literally running into the flames of a burning house. Individuals plucking an unknown person out of the way of certain death or serious injury. Strangers standing up to defend someone being abused. The stories are as endless as they are inspirational.
Look and you will see for yourself that the naysayers and doomsayers are way off base.
Sure, there are challenges. And hard work is needed to address them.
But the average guy and gal, just working day-by-day, is usually ready and willing to help out when the need arises.
Thankfully that is what the new year holds for us.