The phrase "it is liberating" most certainly captures the unique freedom experienced on the open road while piloting a motorcycle. This experience is heightened when the open road is far from crowded urban areas.
Rolling along, astride the motorcycle, through magnificent scenery liberates the soul. The rushing air and sound of the rumbling motor peel off the concerns of daily life. At one with machine and the environment. It is liberating, but this not about which I write today.
Even more liberating, and not requiring a bike, is a self-imposed news blackout.
It came to be that reading and watching so-called news were simply sources of aggravation. Journalism has been overcome by thinly -- if ever -- disguised opinion drivel. Conservative or liberal, it does not matter. News has been replaced by largely unfounded expressions of personal views. And, much like elected officials seeking fame and fortune, the purveyors of these opinions seek not to enlighten, but to receive clicks, calls, tweets, posts, and the other currency of an opinion crazy, narcissistic social media driven society.
The more inflammatory, the better. The more rabid and outrageous, the better. That this phenomenon occurs without integrity or principal matters not.
It finally dawned that by reading and watching these opinion hucksters, I was giving credence to their offerings. I was part of the problem, and in the process I was allowing myself to get riled up, day after day. Enough! Why go thorough the day upset by some opinion piece masquerading as journalism? The solution is the self-imposed "news" blackout.
Now several weeks into this approach, I am much happier. So not to mislead, let me explain. I scan on-line headlines from conservative and liberal sources, gaining an appreciation for the stories of the day. But I do not read them. There are some topics motivating further examination, such as military and veteran stories. Sadly, however, I am finding all too many of these infected with the opinion bug, leading to reducing the number of pieces I read on these topics. I also read pieces about sports events, primarily to learn the results, not the off field goings on by the over paid professional athletes. And lots of motorcycle pieces. Finally, I watch NO televised news. ZERO. NONE.
It is truly liberating.
Apart from saving lots of time, I avoid the aggravating, ignorance-based, opinion driven drivel passing for journalism. The day starts and ends on a much more positive note.
Caring not a whit about the goings on by self-appointed celebrities, with ego maniacal internal views, why provide them entry into my life? Out, out damn fools I say.
Now I can spend time planning the next family gathering or next motorcycle outing, playing tennis with my bride, cycling, and riding the Harley. I rest more comfortably and enjoy time with friends without discussing the latest "crisis" some idiot had proclaimed.
It is so liberating.