Saturday, July 13, 2019

Two peas in pod

Shifting gears, it occurred to me the other day that there are two folks on the national stage that share much.  They both spew out unsubstantiated drivel on Twitter, avoiding facts in pursuit of increasing the number of their followers.  Unconcerned with truth, inane tweets one after the other are sent into the social media sphere.  Then the media jump on their tweets, which is find with them, because it feeds their overwhelming narcissism.  Yet their followers and believers swear by them, seeing their pronouncements as absolute.   

When did our nation become so gullible as to accept the missives of these two?

In case you wonder, I refer to Trump and AOC.  Two peas in a pod. 

Thursday, July 11, 2019

From where I stand

Narcissism: inordinate fascination with oneself; excessive self-love; vanity.
Yep, from where I stand, the narcissism pandemic explains a great deal, indeed maybe all of what ails the nation.

Sports figures demanding obscene pay, then acting out in front of the cameras, while demanding special treatment from law enforcement and the media when caught breaking the law.

Erstwhile entertainers, similarly paid obscene amounts, seeking media and social media attention for their views on politics, "social justice," and other matters unrelated to entertainment.

Members of the media, politicians, educators, Instantgram "influencers," vloggers, the wealthy, the poor, organized labor "leaders," "social justice warriors," activists (of all sorts), teenagers (who can almost be forgiven), hell, just about everyone.

The symptoms are clear and all too prevalent: profane incivility for some imagined slight, social media attacks, road rage (how dare you take up my space!), finding offense in EVERYTHING, perpetual electioneering, selfies, Facebook, Twitter.  Manifestations of the narcissism pandemic. 

If people were not so engrossed with themselves, the pandemic would wither away.