Wednesday, November 14, 2012


Like many of us, I can whine and complain about something or another.  I also worry about various matters (the economy, our kids, our grand-kids, politics, national security, disappearing civility, excessively liberal media, overt attacks on Christianity, loss of free speech on college campuses, economic security, health, etc.).  Surely, there are some matters worthy of deliberate thought and analysis, both of which may legitimately contribute to worry and concern.  But, when it comes down to the bottom line, my wife and I are truly blessed.

Every now and then, something occurs that jerks a knot in my chain, reminding me of the blessings we enjoy.  One such occurrence was the recent passing of the wife of a friend.  Younger than we, it was a shock to learn of her passing.  As stated above, it jerked a knot in my chain.

Sitting here over a cup of coffee, I've been trying to imagine what it would be like to lose my wife, soul mate, high school sweetheart, anchor in our marriage, mother to our children, and grandmother to our grandchildren.  She's the centerpiece of my life, so it is incomprehensible to imagine life without her.  From these thoughts, I migrated to the petty and not-so-petty worries.  All pale to the minor or inconsequential when thinking of such a loss.

We are truly blessed.  We enjoy good-to-great health; have terrific children and grandchildren; have close, loving friends; are financially secure (at least for the moment - there is worry about the liberal agenda); live free in the greatest nation on earth, enjoying our uniquely American freedoms; enjoy the area in which we live; participate in activities that provide smiles and purpose; enjoy memories of 44 years together; are proud of an exceptional career in the Marines; and foresee smiles and laughter in the future. 

Yes, Thanksgiving will soon be upon us and the deluge of stories and commentary regarding that for which we are thankful will begin.  I, for one, intend to spend more time thinking of the positive, inspirational, and smile-producing aspects of our life.  Those elements that contribute to the blessings from which we are so fortunate to benefit.

Life is indeed too short to fret over that which doesn't make us happy.    

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