Sunday, February 10, 2013

Profound words at the National Prayer breakfast

At brunch today, good friends asked if I'd heard of Dr. Benjamin Carson's comments at the National Payer Breakfast this week.  Extolling the values and views Dr. Carson spoke to, my friends were so taken by what he said, I decided this evening to explore why there were so excited by this individual's commentary.

Fortunately, most events like the National Prayer Breakfast can be found on the Internet.  And so it was with Dr. Carson's comments.

Stunning is the first descriptor that comes to mind.  If asked to characterize what I heard, words likes simple, accurate, direct, and profound come to mind.

Dr. Carson's personal story is astonishing in and of itself.  From the narrative, his mother was a truly exceptional lady.  Tough and determined that her sons would succeed in an environment decidedly stacked against them.  No excuses.  By any measurement, he is a tremendously successful man.  But it is not his personal success that I found so profound.  It was his observations about our nation.  A flat tax.  Challenging political correctness.  Finding solutions.  The imperative of education.  Responsibility, as individuals and a nation.

With President and Mrs. Obama in attendance, he chided and criticized the leadership of our nation, challenging them to rise to the moment and find solutions.
In his closing remarks, indirectly exhorting our elected officials to do their jobs, Dr. Carson cites that the reason the Bald Eagle, the symbol of our great nation, can soar to great heights, is because it has a left wing and right wing. 

This is a man who articulated, concisely and with positive intent, what our nation need do to correct itself.

I just hope our leadership was listening.

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