The voting populace leaves me scratching my head. From local to national level elections, no serious character flaw, no "indiscretion," no otherwise criminal act, no disgusting behavior, no glaring example(s) of abysmal judgment, no manifestly false statements (meaning lies), no lack of integrity, no outrageous claims, no failures of upholding the law & public trust, no unethical behavior are seen as disqualifying an individual from obtaining, retaining, or returning to public office.
It is, quite astoundingly, unreal that the voting populace permits such individuals to run for public office, let alone elect and then re-elect them. What does it tell us about the state of our voting populace?
Contemplating this question over a cup of coffee, I can only conclude the voting populace is either dumb as dirt, cares not for its role in electing our governing officials, ignores reality, or has totally lost its moral compass. Any of these conclusions speak dramatically and starkly about the possible future of our nation.
A second cup of coffee and more contemplation.
Alas, I've narrowed it down to the obvious conclusion. The voting populace is dumb as dirt. It isn't possible to arrive at any other conclusion. Where the majorities have elected and re-elected miscreants, the unqualified, liars, lawbreakers, the unethical, and others to offices at every level of government, it can only be that the voting populace is dumb as dirt. Surely no intelligent adult could elect and re-elect such individuals. Surely no informed adult can overlook such glaring disqualifying factors to cast his/her vote for such a candidate.
As time and again such individuals are elected and re-elected, we can't hold fault with the candidates, because the control lays with the voting populace. It requires the voting populace to cast ballots in favor of the scurrilous and otherwise unqualified candidates. Therefore, whatever calamity befalls the elected office can only be viewed as the responsibility of the dumb as dirt voting populace who put the individual into the office.
Stated more bluntly, when a known fool (or worse) is elected, the dumb as dirt voting populace that put her/him into office has, in my view, forfeited any claim to be able to complain when the known fool (or worse) fails to act honorably and appropriately in performing his or her duties.
Leaves me scratching my head.
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