Tuesday, October 1, 2013


The Commandant of the Marine Corps essentially fired two general officers (holding rank of Major General), as a result of their failure in command, which was identified in an investigation about the insurgent attack on Camp Bastion that resulted in two Marine deaths and the destruction/severe damage of six attack aircraft.

These two warriors were rightfully held accountable for their poor judgment.

It is unusual for general officers to be held accountable in this manner.

Where are the corresponding actions by civilian and elected leaders holding those accountable for:

  • Benghazi (four Americans died)
  • Fast and Furious (at least one American died)
  • NSA evesdropping on a reporter
  •  IRS targeting conservative groups for extraordinary and unwarranted scrutiny
  • Failing to pass a budget
  • Illegally by-passing/deferring the law
The military may be imperfect, but at least these two very senior officers were held accountable.

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