Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Tail wagging the dog

Is it just me or is the tail wagging the dog?

There are far too many examples, particularly in purported social issues, of minority segments of the population seeking (and far too often succeeding) to dictate to the majority.  For example, according to the Williams Institute, 3.8% of adult Americans identify as LGBT.  Yet, their demands for civil rights have drowned out the votes of the electorate in every state that has held a referendum on same sex marriage.  This headlong yielding to minority demands has also reared its head in court decisions dictating that private businesses, in a couple of cases bakeries, MUST recognize same sex marriage, even when against their religious beliefs.  Taking the moral high ground by being generous in stating let others live by their own values shouldn't be mutated into governments demanding that I accept those minority values.  I don't.  As a citizen, the government can't tell me what moral values I should (or shouldn't) embrace. 

In another example, most estimates indicate there are 11 million illegal immigrants in the country, yet the progressive's demands for "social justice" have resulted in illegals being approved for driver licenses (what about auto insurance?), to practice law, and work in polling places in California, against the will of the people.  These same progressives shout loudly that requiring a government issued photo identification in order to vote is oppressive.  They also permit in-state fees and tuition at public universities in California, as well as access to free public education (grades K-12).  (By the way, at so-called pro-immigration rallies here in California, the protestors routinely waive the Mexican flag as their symbol of unity.)

When did it become a requirement, a government mandate for me to accept the demands of minority segments of the population, let alone those here illegally?  As an aside, according to the Pew Research Center review of Census Bureau data, "In 2012, the share of Hispanics in poverty had risen to 25.6%. But the U.S. Hispanic population has quintupled over that time. As a result, more than half of the 22 million-person increase in official poverty between 1972 and 2012 was among Hispanics."  Is it a coincidence that various parties estimate there are 11 million (half the cited 22 million person increase in official poverty)  illegal immigrants in the nation?

Again, if one generously observes that he/she would let others live by their on values, it should not come at the cost of those minority demands infringing on my lifestyle or well being, let alone my strongly held beliefs.  More directly stated, it shouldn't cost me anything (in California it has been recently estimated the provision of driver licenses to illegals will cost $65M).  Nor should it result in my beliefs in marriage and morality being forsaken due to political expediency.

Damn it, the tail is wagging the dog!     

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