Wednesday, May 21, 2014


As written about previously in this blog, I like hanging out with bikers, quickly noting the bikers with whom I associate are regular, average folks (at least by my definition).  Apart from the obvious shared enjoyment of riding motorcycles, why do I enjoy their company?

It is simple, bikers:

  • are patriotic
  • revere our men and women in uniform
  • believe in the imperative of individual freedom
  • believe in God
  • work hard and play harder
  • take care of one another
  • are often veterans
  • believe in free speech
  • are outspoken in their love of country
  • proudly display the American flag
  • are generous in their donations and support of good causes
  • like rock and roll music
  • respect one another
  • view loyalty and honor as virtues
  • believe in individual responsibility and accountability
  • seek nothing other than what their own hard work provides
  • don't accept handouts
  • like pretty ladies
  • stand at the playing of the National Anthem
  • are against large government
  • believe marriage is defined as one man and one woman
  • speak their minds honestly and candidly
  • eschew political phoniness
  • believe in the importance of the nuclear family
  • enjoy a good joke
  • give credit when credit is due
  • offer criticism when it is earned
  • like a cold beer on a hot day
  • like a cup of hot coffee on a cold day
  • stand up to be counted when necessary
There are undoubtedly other equally valid reasons to enjoy the company of bikers.

In sum, it's my view bikers are more genuine and true to the American spirit than most civilians I encounter.  If for no other reason, that serves as justification for enjoying their company.

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