Saturday, November 29, 2014

Toys for Tots

As you are out and about shopping for Christmas, use some of your time and resources to support the United States Marine Corps Reserve Toys for Tots Program.  You'll be glad you did.

Our Harley Owners Group has done its part. 

Please join us and others in supporting this wonderful Christmas charity.

Thursday, November 27, 2014


We should all pause today and offer thanks for the exceptional men and women of our Armed Forces, particularly those deployed far from home.  They and their families deserve our gratitude for unbelievably hard missions well done.

Monday, November 24, 2014


I geared up, opened the garage door, rolled the ride out on to the driveway, cranked over the engine and prepared to head over to the Marine Corps air station at which I volunteer.  As the bike warms up and I adjust my butt to the set, I wonder, "Is it really November?"

Today's weather is forecast to be sunny with temps in the high 70s.  Later in the week, including Thanksgiving, the weather prognosticators are looking for temps in the 80s.  Is it really November?

Don't get me wrong, I wasn't at all unhappy to be rolling along in warm air under a sun filled blue sky.  Dang.  Nearly perfect biking weather.  Warm enough to be comfortable wearing the mid-weight leather jacket.  No winds to speak of, nor dampness on the roadways.

Heading to the base, the sounds of the wind and engine produced that unique harmony so enjoyed by us riders.

As I ride home this evening, I trust the cage drivers will be mindful of this sign.

Thursday, November 20, 2014


Countless more learned, wise, and insightful individuals have commented mightily on the words and actions of our current President.  Some of these individuals, plus countless more, have commented mightily upon  the words and actions of our current Congress.  Another large group has commented mightily upon the words and actions of our current media: mainstream, cable, and other forms.

From across these commentaries have come the pithy, relevant, absurd, indefensible, radical, partisan, liberal, conservative, ridiculous, frightening, accurate, ignorant, pointed, superb, false, misleading, irrelevant, humorous, spiteful, inflammatory, racial, ridiculous, earnest, and thought provoking.  Such is the wonder of free speech, arguably the cornerstone of democracy.

Tonight, we are told, POTUS will announce unilateral action regarding illegal immigration.  Said announced action, delayed at the reported behest of Democrats for political reasons prior to the midterm election; earlier denounced by POTUS; and subject to differing pieces of legislation, brings the nation to a crossroads.

Regardless of one's views on immigration policy, despite one's political leanings, no matter one's view of this POTUS, everyone should view with great concern the crossroads to which he is taking the nation.  Behind the words he will utter tonight, which (by the way) the three main TV giants (ABC, CBS, and NBC) are refusing to show, is something so very serious that thinking and concerned citizens from all demographics, all sectors of society should be afraid.

Despite the strong divisions in our nation, on almost every and all subjects, our country remains strong because of our form of democracy.  It is good, in many ways, that one political party or another doesn't hold total control.  The tension should drive our lawmakers, at every level of government, towards the necessity of compromise.  Through compromise, extremism is limited.  Through compromise, the best of opposing views can be welded together.  Through compromise, democracy remains strong.

Over a number of years, the nation has travelled down a dangerous road.  Thus, compromise has slipped further and further away.  Of recent, legislative maneuverings by a handful of individuals have prevented votes that would drive opposing views towards the conference table for compromise.  One political party solely passed a major, now seen as dubious, piece of legislation.  The other political party took action contributing to it being perceived as having shut down the government.  Traveling this dangerous road, further and further from compromise, has on the surface been terribly unwise.  The aforementioned commentary has played to one side or another of the issues encountered on this road.

We now come to crossroads.  By undertaking the unilateral action this evening, POTUS is turning and taking the nation down a much, much more dangerous road.  Compromise cannot be reached by this road.  Cementing divisiveness and forsaking compromise, if unchallenged and left standing, the precedence set by POTUS unilateral action means the nation has been knowingly reduced to the level of a "banana republic," in which the incumbent declares laws, and enforcement of them, to his liking, the people be damned.

At this crossroads, I can only hope commentators across the spectrum see the danger and demand review and action to turn the nation around, away from the crossroads, and back down the road leading to compromise.  

Monday, November 17, 2014

Never forget

It pays the nation to remember its servicemen, servicewomen, veterans, and their families on more than Veterans Day and Memorial Day.  We should never forget.

Yesterday, while on a Patriot Guard Riders mission for a Marine who died on active duty, the second such mission in nine days, our destination was the small base that it home to the 5th Marine Regiment.  Across from the chapel is a small memorial garden.  As befitting the warriors of the command, memorials have been erected so that the names and sacrifices of the fallen will not be forgotten.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Veterans Day

Veterans Day, being superbly celebrated across our nation.

And, of course, the day wouldn't be complete without a biker.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Keeping promises

Strange.  Very strange.

The President is stating his intent to keep his promise to illegal aliens, people who broke the law, via executive action.  Yet he has failed miserably to keep his promise to American citizens that we could keep our doctors and our health plans.

Why didn't he consider executive action to keep that promise?

Once more...intent to keep a promise to those who broke the law and are here illegally.  No intent to keep the promises he made to American citizens: health care, VA, etc.  Or the international community: red line in Syria.

And he wonders why the Democrats got thumped in the mid-terms.

Unscrupulous.  Deceitful.  Dishonest.

Saturday, November 8, 2014

On the road for Toys4Tots

With the Marine Corps Birthday and Veterans' Day almost upon us, today was spent in the saddle with ElCajon Harley Davidson Harley Owners Group as we supported the USMCR Toys 4 Tots Campaign.  Meeting at the dealership, we signed up, drank some coffee, and prepped for the ride.

On site was the Master Gunnery Sergeant Operations Chief from USMCR 4th Tank Battalion.  A veteran of multiple combat tours, we Marines bonded almost instantly.  Pretty soon, all Marines in earshot had gathered round and we entered into the animated conversation Marines are known for world over.  Grunts versus wingees.  Ground versus aviation.  Picking on one another in a good way, teasing each other.

Soon we headed out on the ride, with the first stop at the Miramar National Cemetery, where we paid respects to the fallen.

Then it was off for the short ride over to the Headquarters of 4th Tanks, where we delivered the toys.  For many of the group, it was their first time seeing a tank up close and personal.

As we prepared for the ride back to the dealership, I stopped for a photo with the Master Guns.  Old Corps Colonel (Retired) on the left.  New Corps Master Gunnery Sergeant (active duty) on the right.

Semper Fi, my Marine Corps brothers.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Mission complete

Though the first week of November, it was warm increasing to hot as the group of bikers gathered today.  A group mainly seen to be well north of 60 years of age, for whom gray beards and hair dominated.  Yes, there were some youngsters, but the majority of the gents who gathered today are of the Vietnam generation.  In addition to their age cohort, the majority also share veteran status.  Looking at the patches adorning the leather vests, we had Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corps vets on deck.    Again, the majority are bikers, looking for shade as they parked their rides.

It's a Friday morning and these folks have rolled in from a wide area, several (like me) having ridden over 100 miles to gather for the mission of the day: to honor a 19 year old fallen Marine.  We walk around, shaking hands, acknowledging those with whom we've shared previous missions, and greeting others for the first time.  Over time, dozens arrive and stage.  Watching the parking lot, we see the Marine Corps Honor Guard arrive, as well as family and friends of the young (all to young) Marine.  By the way, none of us had ever met this young Marine, but we have gathered nonetheless to honor him.

Upon command, we stage as the services conclude, so that we can provide a flag line to honor the Marine, as he is loaded into the hearse by the pall bears, a mixture of Marines and high school friends.  In addition to we members of the @Patriot Guard Riders are the Teamsters.

Old men in their leathers, an elderly couple, a lady in a wheel chair, and some young vets are in our group.  On command, we come to ATTENTION and PRESENT ARMS, hoisting our American flags straight up, forming two lines through which the pall bearers carry the casket to the hearse for the Marine's final ride.  After he is safely aboard, we are dismissed to our bikes, with a Missing Man formation leading the hearse, followed by the immediate family, and then escorted by the dozens of other bikers, with others following in cars.

Slowly we roll over surface streets, in the now 90 degree temperatures, heading for the national cemetery.  Most cars seeing us, pull over out of respect.  Via road guard support in blocking traffic, we roll through intersections at a stately pace.  Entering the cemetery, we are now rolling at about 10 MPH.  As we pass one of the numerous commitment shelters, an Army Honor Guard on another, separate mission sees the procession, comes to attention, and salutes. 

Finally, we arrive at our destination.  Forming another Flag Line, we PRESENT ARMS as this Marine is carried in by the pall bearers, remaining at this position as family and friends walk through to the commitment shelter.  Finally, all are in place.  

Now the elements of the military funeral honors are conducted, pulling at the emotions of each of us.  Prayers from the Navy Chaplain, the folding of the American Flag, firing the rifle volleys, solo bugle playing of Taps, PRESENTING ARMS, and presenting of the flag to the Marine's mother.  No pictures here.  Just moments of reflection as the Marine NCO salutes the fallen Marine's mother, kneels in front of her, and offers these words, "On behalf of a grateful Nation...," and presents her the folded flag.

Shortly thereafter, a bagpiper plays, tears are shed, and another Marine is paid his final honors.

I eventually mount my bike and begin the long ride home.  Somber and reflective, I'll add this memory to those of other missions.

Another mission has been completed.  The majority of the nation has no idea what this group of folks did this hot November day.  But in my heart, I believe my fellow Marine knows we were there. 

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Another mission

There's another Patriot Guard Riders mission tomorrow, this one for a fallen active duty Marine.  So I just spent time spit shining the bike, in order to properly honor the fallen.  (It just wouldn't be right to show up with a filthy ride.)  Some missions are joyous, like when escorting Marines back to their base camp after a deployment to a combat zone. 

But missions for the fallen are not joyous.  Respectful.  Honorable.  Somber.  Dutiful.  Important.  Yes, all of these and more.