Monday, May 11, 2015

The day has arrived

After months of planning, the day has arrived and departure time is close.  The Harley is prepped, gear staged, and soon I'll be on the road to Ontario to join up with Run for the Wall 2015 (RFTW2015).

The main goals are:

  • Finish research for the article on RFTW, including Interviewing younger (post Vietnam era) veterans
  • Experience RFTW
  • Participate in the first leg of the ride on the southern route
Though completing considerable research, including talking to the founder and several of those leading the mission, what will be encountered in somewhat unknown.  Reading the logistics guidance was impressive, though I'd expect nothing less than detailed planning from military veterans.  Will I encounter other folks I know, but haven't seen for a long time?  What new friends will I make?  What emotions will arise?  What humor and camaraderie will jump out?  Will it whet my taste for a subsequent "all the way" undertaking   What personal stories will be the most impressive?

Like with all new adventures, military experience in planning and adaptation of the planning are crucial.  Plan in detail, knowing that when the first shot is fired, the plan must be adapted.  One modification has already occurred, as a fellow Marine with whom I served from 1990-1992 called to explain he has to cancel from his planned participation.  An unexpected emergency arose and couldn't be pushed back.  So now I have a spare rack in a room in Phoenix on 13 May, so I'll work with the organizers to see if someone needs a rack for the night.

Well, the planning has been completed and soon it will be time to cross the line of departure.


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