Sunday, May 1, 2016

Sunday time in the saddle

Lifelong friends are in town for an extended stay. So we took advantage of the nice weather for us guys to hit the road on our Harleys, leaving the gals to chat and catch up. The destination was Descanso, so we stopped in at the Descanso Junction Restaurant for lunch.

If you've not been there, the motif is decidedly western.

But as we bikers like to say, it's not the destination, it's the ride. And on this day I was riding with my best buddy since our grade school days, having first met back in the late 1950s. Avid bikers, we have rolled together to Sturgis, Hollister, and other interesting places in the western United States. Sometimes our wives have shared the adventures. At other times it has just been the two of us.

Today was the first time we have shared the road since September 2014, so just gearing up and mounting up on the bikes was great. It wasn't a long ride by any means, as we headed out east on I-8 for a relatively short trip. After passing Alpine and climbing into the local mountains, the temperatures dropped, so we were happy with the decision to wear full leathers.

Running at freeway speeds as the traffic thinned, we climbed a few thousand feet as the freeway headed towards the state line. Taking Exit 40, we were soon parking the bikes at the restaurant.

It is one of those places that is just plain comfortable, with food at decent value. While enjoying our meal over cups of coffee, we mused about all the similar places we have visited during the rides we've shared over the past 16 years. Local watering holes known for their decent food at decent prices. Like the one outside of Cheyenne, Wyoming.

For these two gray beards, all was right in the world this afternoon. On the Harleys with best friends and sharing a comfortable ride to enjoy lunch and conversation.

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