Friday, December 16, 2016

As 2016 draws to a close

As 2016 draws to a close, family was always number one, including getting together and visits for  Christmas, birthdays, and vacations.  Kids, kids of kids, mother, brother, in-laws, and all. 

But life on two wheels was another major element in the year, providing excitement, riding with fellow veterans, and the annual road trip with my best friend Nick.  This year we road to the Hollister Independence Day Rally.

Some of the time in the saddle was spent supporting our active duty military and veterans with the Patriot Guard Riders.  Riding with fellow veterans, we are determined that our men and women in uniform and veterans will not be forgotten.

Some missions provided honors for either the fallen or a veteran.

Other missions joined the joyous celebrations in welcoming home Marines and sailors from deployments. 

On some days it was just the joy of being out on the bike, enjoying the quintessential American biker lifestyle, made easier by living in southern California with its great weather.  But whatever the reason for throwing a leg over the saddle, uppermost is the pride of being an American veteran...a Marine.

Looking forward to more miles and smiles in 2017.


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