After considerable thought and reflection, I have deliberately undertaken a new approach to the daily routine: cleansing the mind. Doing so has provided many more benefits than anticipated.
What is mind cleansing, you might ask? To understand how I define it, an understanding of the previous daily routine.
The prior daily routine began with rising early (normally before 0500), reading a variety of online liberal and conservative news and opinion sites, working out (normally a couple of hours cycling and light weight lifting), then watching recordings of morning conservative TV broadcasting during breakfast. By mid-to-late morning, I was pretty worked up.
The late afternoon and early evening included watching more recorded conservative TV broadcasting prior to dinner.
By the time it was lights out, my mind was racing and emotions were high, what with all the news, fake news, unfounded opinions masquerading as news, lying, misrepresentation, pandering, demanding, embellishing, ego inflating, countless false news "alerts," and droning commentary from the ill-to-totally uninformed. (Frankly, it was challenging to determine who was worse: so-called "journalists," self-appointed experts, or elected officials.) Many a restless night ensued.
After one such restless night, I decided to change the daily routine. Instead of reading pieces presented on purported news sites in depth, I scan the headlines and story descriptions. Then it's on to exercise and breakfast, sans conservative TV broadcasting. Similarly, in the late afternoon and early evening, I now watch sports and "gear head" shows, forgoing the conservative TV broadcasting. The results are tremendous.
Apart from saving a great deal of time each day, I no longer subject myself to the views of idiots and near idiots, ideologues, and grossly overpaid commentators. The benefit is a much happier life, including the time to do far more of those activities that provide simple pleasure and meaning, whether it be riding the Harley-Davidson, participating in a Patriot Guard Rider mission, playing tennis, taking my bride out to lunch or dinner, video chatting with the grand kids, working on a charitable cause (Toys for Tots Ride), or just keeping caught up on the household chores. I also write more letters and have increased reading for pleasure (history, fiction, etc.).
What I term cleansing the mind is astoundingly beneficial. Scanning the headlines and story titles provides a very quick (less than two minutes) sense of what is happening, while enabling the opportunity to actually stories that matter, such as the tragic death of the Marines and sailor in the crash of the Marine Corps KC-130 (RIP brothers). See! I decided that story is important. No one else told me it was.
It is also satisfying not listening to or reading the histrionics, lies, unfounded opinions, baseless accusations, fake news, ridiculous suggestions, liberal demands, uncivil exchanges, threats, and the like that fill most so-called news programming and print/on-line articles. Refreshing. Maybe I'm happier being ignorant of the details.
And I certainly enjoy more of the activities that provide simple pleasures and produce genuine smiles. In addition to the above, researching and writing more pieces about veterans and motorcycling.
Yep, mind cleansing the daily routine produces many more benefits than originally anticipated.
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