Perusing Internet (so called) news sites leaves one thoroughly dismayed. For example:
- Pelosi declared her six year old grandson wished he were brown.
- A woman was denied aircraft boarding because of an "emotional support hamster."
- Two school principals were arrested, one for failing to report six year olds had filmed themselves committing sex acts, and the other for failing to report a sexual assault by a seven year old.
- A university professor told his class he wished the President were dead.
- POTUS wants a military parade in Washington, DC.
- Opinion writers, who never served in uniform, posing as journalists make categorical declarations about what it means to be in the military.
- The Dow Jones drops more than 2000 points.
- Congress passes spending bills that deepen our already unfathomable sink hole of national debt.
- Self important "celebrities" declare this and that are horrible, yet strive for the most air time and "news" coverage.
- A bankrupt city wants to provide residents $500 per month, no strings attached.
Good grief indeed.
Spending other peoples' money. Narcissism running amok. Avoiding personal responsibility. Failing to perform the duties of the office to which elected. Extending victimology to unheard of and unwarranted areas. Ascribing sexual awareness where none exists. Claiming unearned expertise. Wanting to use the military as potted plants in shameless self-promotion (see footnote).
Good grief.
That supposed intelligent people are involved in each and every (and vastly more) illustration is disturbing. From this vantage point is seems as if reason and tolerance have been replaced by absurdity and bigotry. And it continues unabated.
Good grief.
The list of examples is virtually endless. Has the nation gone mad?
Charlie Brown and his fellow characters could certainly do better than those involved in the illustrations.
Footnote: lest one think this is unique to the current White House, do not forget that First Lady Obama appeared on the broadcast of the 2013 Academy Awards, with uniformed military officers as set decorations and dressing.
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