- Faith
- Wife, son, daughter, grand children
- Extended family
- Friends
- Health and fitness
- Our great nation
- American freedom
- Strong, unshakable values
- Patriotism
- Marine veteran status
- 2017 Toys for Tots event success
- Patriot Guard Rider missions
- Middle America
- Giving voice to veterans' stories
- Motorcycling
- Freedom of the open road
- Baseball
- Cycling
- Rule of law
- Superb writing
- Biker lifestyle
- American military
- Service and sacrifice
- Police, fire/rescue, EMTs
- Traditional country music
- Pick up trucks
- Beer
- Neighbors
- Our nation's natural beauty
- Watching sunsets with my bride
- Profound belief that 2019 will be better
- Continuing attacks on my values
- Attacks on Christianity
- Politicians
- Elected officials
- Government dictates constraining freedoms
- Lack of ethics and integrity
- Financial markets
- Mainstream media
- Ignorance
- Demise of principled journalism
- Scurrilous social media
- Democrat/progressive hypocrisy
- Public education
- Higher education
- Unions
- Activist judiciary
- Obscene pay for professional athletes
- Obscene pay for "entertainers"
- Professional athlete perpetual whining
- California
- Taxation and fees
- Congress
- National debt
- So called social justice warriors
- Identity politics
- Greed
- Narcissism
- Divided nation