Sunday, December 23, 2018

As the year ends

Spent Christmas with our daughter and the grand children, and not long before the end of the year. In the little down time, between all activities and seemingly endless meals, I've been thinking about the greats and the grossly abysmal from 2018.


  • Faith
  • Wife, son, daughter, grand children
  • Extended family
  • Friends
  • Health and fitness
  • Our great nation
  • American freedom
  • Strong, unshakable values
  • Patriotism
  • Marine veteran status
  • 2017 Toys for Tots event success
  • Patriot Guard Rider missions
  • Middle America
  • Giving voice to veterans' stories 
  • Motorcycling
  • Freedom of the open road
  • Baseball
  • Cycling
  • Rule of law
  • Superb writing
  • Biker lifestyle
  • American military
  • Service and sacrifice
  • Police, fire/rescue, EMTs
  • Traditional country music 
  • Pick up trucks
  • Beer
  • Neighbors
  • Our nation's natural beauty
  • Watching sunsets with my bride
  • Profound belief that 2019 will be better
Grossly abysmal

  • Continuing attacks on my values
  • Attacks on Christianity
  • Politicians
  • Elected officials
  • Government dictates constraining freedoms
  • Lack of ethics and integrity
  • Financial markets
  • Mainstream media
  • Ignorance
  • Demise of principled journalism
  • Scurrilous social media 
  • Democrat/progressive hypocrisy
  • Public education
  • Higher education
  • Unions
  • Activist judiciary
  • Obscene pay for professional athletes
  • Obscene pay for "entertainers"
  • Professional athlete perpetual whining
  • California
  • Taxation and fees
  • Congress
  • National debt
  • So called social justice warriors
  • Identity politics
  • Greed
  • Narcissism
  • Divided nation

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