Sunday, January 6, 2019

The next two years

After the 2016 election, the GOP controlled both chambers of Congress and the White House.  Expectation was high on the right.  After two years and the disastrous midterm, what can be pointed to as major accomplishments?

Not much.

And now the Dems have the lower chamber, with media expectations running high for the left.  Sad to say, apart from all the ballyhoo, in two years' time the nation will most likely be no better off.

Politicians on both side make wide sweeping promises, then regularly fail to fulfill them.  All the claptrap uttered during campaigns plays to the party bases, drumming up excitement and expectations.  But no single member of the House or senator can wave a magic wand and make the campaign promises reality.  And collectively the members of Congress have but one common goal: reelection.  

As long as reelection is the primary goal of members of Congress, the country will suffer.

The elected use public monies as a slush fund, handing out benefits in order to buy votes.  So increases the unimaginable national debt.

State and local officials rig districts and voting to benefit the reelection frenzy.  So increases the division within the country.

Political party entities manipulate social media to skew self-serving messages and narratives for the perpetual election cycles.  So increases segments of our population that are inflamed by false stories.

The politically aligned media aid and abet the perpetual election cycles, pumping out opinion masquerading as journalism.  So increases the misinformation and disinformation bombarding the electorate.

Colleges and universities, pursuing naked political reelection objectives, indoctrinate young, new voters, camouflaging it as higher education.  So increases ignorance within the electorate.

Ignorant social activists, fueled by false stories, indoctrination, misinformation, disinformation, and inflamed and divided by manipulated social media and the general media, ardently push to reelect candidates, based solely on physical characteristics, ethnicity, or heritage.  So increases the number of wholly unqualified elected officials.

So increases, to levels of near certainty, that the next two years will be no more productive than the previous two.

An approach: change the Constitution so that every single member of Congress terms out at the end of his/her current term of office.  Include in the change foolproof, unassailable term limits for all future member of Congress.

It will be a start.

Maybe then the following two year will see major problems in our country attacked and resolved for the good of ALL of the people.     


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