Monday, January 21, 2019

Not everything is negative

Not everything is negative, although perusing (supposed) news Internet sites would have you conclude otherwise.

Apart from punditry replacing journalism, one should not let the so-called news set the tone for the day, because there really is a lot of good happening each and every day all across our fantastic nation.

An example of the good are the missions conducted by the Patriot Guard Riders (PGR).  Known primarily for supporting the funerals of active duty military members or veterans, these missions exemplify good.

Take this morning for example.  Eight folks, seven on motorcycles (including one married couple) came out to honor the passing of a veteran. His military resume was unique, by any standard.  He'd served in the U. S. Navy in WWII and the U. S. Army in Korea.  On this breezy, chilly (by San Diego standards) Monday morning, the PGR gathered to honor this veteran.  In the group of eight members of the all volunteer PGR were a retired Marine, Marine Corps veteran, Army veteran, three Navy veterans, the wife of a Navy veteran, and one gent who never served in the military.  

Each gave of their time this morning to stand for one who stood for us.  No public recognition would be forthcoming.  None of the PGR knew the veteran they were honoring, nor did any of them know any members of the veteran's family.  Yet they gave of their time to ensure he was honored.

At the cemetery, they stood a flag line as his coffin was moved from the hearse to the grave site.  They extended the flag line, standing behind the grave site, with flags flying as the final farewell was offered by a family member.  It was telling, as the two soldier Army Honor Guard presented the folder American Flag to the son of the deceased veteran, that the PGR presented arms, holding aloft the American flags.

This is an example of the good that happens all across our nation each and every day.  But you'd never know it, because the erstwhile media don't care.

That's OK, because the PGR doesn't support these missions several times per week in SoCal for media attention.  We do it because it is the right thing to do.

Not everything is negative.

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