If a UCLA scientific study says it's so, then it must be.
Coming as no surprise to us bikers, a UCLA study declares riding a motorcycle is actually good for us.
Say what you may about motorcycling, and it's not for everyone, it is absolutely liberating. With the good fortune of living in Southern California (it costs a good fortune to live here), we enjoy nearly year around weather conducive to riding. Consequently, I get many miles in most weeks and can attest to the benefits of riding.
Yesterday, for example, a few hours on a mixture of side roads and freeways helped to create a positive mood and feeling. It is as if the speed of the wind washing across my body cleans the spirit of all the negativity that surround us. I swear drivers, mostly but not exclusively male, look longingly at me as we travel down the road.
Of course, riding a Harley-Davidson also provides no small amount of cache. The iconic look, including my leathers, and distinctive sound are universally recognized, even if not universally admired. The running of the big V-twin motor can actually be felt, adding tremendously to the experience.
Maybe that look from the gent in the cage (biker-speak for a car or truck) adds to the therapeutic value.
Whatever, as UCLA now declares, riding a motorcycle is good for you.
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