The media, once the lighthouses of truth, have sunk to being biased arms of the political parties.
The manner in which they are responding and reacting to COVID19 shines a crystal clear, bright light on many Americans. As the majority stoically go about doing the best they can to protect themselves and their loved ones, endure stringent policies, and adapt to new daily routines, others distinguish themselves for good or bad.
One category that seems to fall into the latter category are so-called celebrities addicted to an overblown sense of self-importance. They crave attention like a drug addict craves the next fix. One of the most notorious examples is Ellen DeGeneres, who shamelessly and infamously declared sheltering in place in her multi-million dollar home was like "being in jail." Others in this category have made near equal idiotic and insensitive comments, while some have taken to posting pictures of themselves clearly revealing their crass nature. Beware so-called self-absorbed celebrities, the shining light of reality lets us see you for what you really are - shallow, rude, selfish, and uncaring. Those in this category are not alone.
Take politicians for example. DeBlasio of New York City encouraging citizens to "snitch" on folks violating "stay at home" policy. Representative Heather Scott of Idaho declaring sheltering in place is like a Nazi Concentration Camp. Pelosi, who also suffers from overblown sense of self-importance addiction, posing with exceptionally high end kitchen appliances, one filled with ice cream that costs more than $11 per pint. And Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan prohibiting people from visiting family members. Beware politicians! Your words and actions are drawing a bright, shining light onto your judgment.
The so-called celebrities and politicians make up an exceptionally small, minuscule portion of our country. Unfortunately the media enables their addictions.
Fortunately, there are vastly more reports and stories of average folks stepping up in ways not even imagined by so-call celebrities and politicians. ER nurses for example; on the front lines, often without the PPE needed to safely perform their essential jobs. Over the road truck drivers, making sure essential goods are delivered. Some teachers, using virtual instruction to keep educating our kids. American small businesses, stepping up to make face masks and ventilators. Neighbors doing the grocery shopping for elderly friends. Police and fire departments conducting roll by parades to recognize healthcare workers. And on and on. They are the real Americans; not so-called celebrities and politicians.
Sheltering in place will end, though some elected Democrats will surely seek to maintain some of the tightest controls. COVID19 will be defeated, with some so-called celebrities bursting out seeking their attention addiction fixes ("look at me, look at me").
The bright shining lights will focus on their current behavior, which we will remember.
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