Sunday, March 3, 2013

Expressing appreciation

For those in the majority of the country, as the saying goes, eat your hearts out.  It's been in the 70s and 80s here in San Diego county.  Yesterday, my bride and I took advantage of this terrific weather to enjoy a leisurely lunch with friends, overlooking the beach and Pacific Ocean.  Truly phenomenal for this time of year.

What, you may ask, does this observation have to do with expressing appreciation?  Simple.  There seems to be all too much energy expended complaining about what could or should be, the state of this, the price of that, what this politician said, and other negatives.  Yet, truth be told, if we look for it, we have a great deal for which we should express our appreciation.

Surely, life continues to provide surprises and disappointments, some major and some minor.  Some tremendously unsettling (death, serious health issues, financial crisis, etc.) , others momentarily distracting (unexpected car repairs, the weather, house repairs, etc.).  How we respond when these occur goes a long way to describing our mood at any one point in time.  But, equally assuredly, there is so very much for which we should express appreciation.

In expressing appreciation, the itself act runs similar gamuts of high to low, critical to nearing inconsequential, public to private, outward vs. inward.  But the expression of appreciation is important and I fear it has lost its place in our lives.

I sincerely appreciate the time spent with my wife and friends at the beach yesterday.  While the weather was most definitely a positive aspect, it was not a matter worthy of appreciation.  While the lunch was tasty, it was not worthy of appreciation.  Sharing some time with friends of several decades -- that is worthy of appreciation.  Sharing the one element we can't create more of, our personal time, is worthy of appreciation.  So, as I ruminated on expressing appreciation, I deliberately reviewed the weekend to identify the times that warrant an expression of appreciation.

  • Sharing time with my bride of 42 years
  • Standing and chatting with neighbors
  • Exchanging texts with our children
  • Receiving a new photo of our youngest granddaughter
  • The aforementioned lunch with friends at the beach 
  • Chatting with my mother
  • My faith
  • Playing tennis, then enjoying brunch with other friends
  • Discovering a 15 year old Thank You note
  • Being healthy
  • A cold beer on the patio
  • And the list goes on....
If accepting what the media, entertainment, TV, and other bloggers are presenting, one could stumble around in a perpetual state of depressed dismay, encapsulated by negative energy and emotion.  I choose to say to hell with it and express here that I am exceptionally appreciative.

I am an American.
I have a wonderful family, including loving wife.
I served my country with pride.      
I am healthy.
I have purpose.

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