Then I learn of the latest incredible action or statement by some unbelievably negative individual. All too often, said individual is an elected official or member of the so-called media. A slow, gripping anger begins to form. Why, I ask, can't this individual see that his/her actions, words, and pursuits are damaging our country?
So, occasionally we must stand up for what is right. By doing so, we also stand against what is wrong. So it is time to stand up for what is right.
It is right to....
- always speak the truth, even if it angers someone
- to hold individuals accountable for their actions
- act with integrity
- embrace ethical behavior
- denounce behavior that is self-centered, narcissistic, "me first"
- show up for work on time
- do our best at our jobs
- expect loyalty from our employers
- preserve the nuclear family, comprised of father, mother, and children, as the national standard
- celebrate, not denigrate, our nation
- expect our fellow citizens to vote
- judge our fellow citizens by their actions and what is in their hearts, not by their race, ethnicity, or gender
- stand and honor our nation at the playing of the National Anthem
- demand our military maintain the highest possible standards of combat readiness and efficiency
- demand an unyielding, higher level of accountability from our elected officials
- hold elected officials responsible for their actions and judgment
- expect fellow citizens to earn their way
- expect our fellow citizens to be law abiding citizens
- require unions to do the bidding of the workers, not the other way around
- demand the media be balanced
- demand civility in the public debate
- demand the President lead, not perpetually campaign
- expect elected officials who commit crimes to be jailed
- expect elected officials be present and prepared to vote
- expect the Speaker of the House and Leader of the Senate to provide sufficient time and resources for the consideration of legislation
- require the Senate to obey the law regarding passing an annual budget
- expect severe punishment for the corporate officers who ruin people financially
- expect the Attorney General to enforce all the laws of the nation
- expect Congress to negotiate its way to solutions
- require free speech on our university and college campuses
- demand all levels of the government to "live within their means"
- expect teacher evaluations to be connected to student performance
- demand respect for the men and women in uniform
- require that we treat one another with respect and dignity, even if we disagree
- demand the Secretary of State have unimpeachable truthfulness
- require those seeking the office of the President of the United States to have served in the Armed Forces
- reject calls for women to serve as infantrymen in our Armed Forces
- summarily dismiss any commentator, reporter, blogger, etc. who falsifies information, calls an official a "troll," misrepresents the truth, or otherwise acts in an unethical manner
The most important aspect of citizenship is the responsibility to vote. It is right for each of us to demand our fellow citizens exercise this right at every election, local to national. Regardless of our views, we must all stand up for this right and expect every other citizen vote.
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