Sunday, August 4, 2013


Hypocrisy abounds within the political and other classes, particularly within the progressive liberal wing of one of the national political parties.

After condemning conservatives for a fictional "war on women," progressive liberals are either mute, recalcitrant, or forgiving in the matters of Democrats treatment of women (Spitzer, Weiner, Filner).

  •  Only after significant pressure did Pelosi speak out about Spitzer, Weiner, and Filner.  Even then, she did not use their names or roundly condemn them, demanding they give up political aspirations or leave office.
  • Hillary is all too silent on the matter of Weiner.  Strange given her relationship with his wife.
  • The San Diego and Imperial County Labor Council continues to support Filner. 
  • Reid is all too silent.
  • The National Organization for Women is all too silent.
  • Outspoken feminist leads are all too silent.
  • The Chairwoman of the Democratic National Party is all too silent.
  • The First Lady of the United States is all too silent.
  • The President of the United States is all too silent.
 If these and others want to rail against what they view as poor treatment of women, they must be consistent and uniform in doing so.  It can't be, as it appears clearly to be the case, only conservatives about whom they complain.  To remain silent or provide a muddled message regarding progressive liberals accused of mistreatment of women is to forfeit one's right to complain at all.

The hypocrisy of acting otherwise starkly identifies these individuals and organizations as unworthy of public support. 

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