Tuesday, April 15, 2014


The progressives are, in ramping up to the 2014 elections, bringing out the old canard about government issued photo identification cards being required to vote.  They claim such a requirement deliberately and unfairly targets minorities, thereby disfranchising them by denying the right to vote.

Absurd.  The argument does even come close to holding water.  Ms. Bertha Lewis, former ACORN CEO, claims that voter identification laws are a new form of oppression of people of color.  Rubbish.  A quick and partial listing of other activities/actions requiring a government issued photo identification immediately dispels such an absurd assertion.

  • Operate a motor vehicle
  • Board a commercial aircraft flight
  • Purchase alcohol
  • Purchase certain prescription medications
  • Take the ACT test
  • Obtain welfare
  • Obtain a passport
  • Cashing a check
  • Buying a firearm
  • Applying for employment
  • Obtaining a marriage license
  • Taking professional examinations
  • Obtaining a hunting license
  • Obtaining a fishing license
  • Using a credit card in many stores
  • Applying for food stamps
  • Applying for Social Security
  • Applying for MEDICARE
  • Picking up items from FedEx and UPS
  • Renting a car
  • Opening a bank account
  • Cash a check
  • Signing a lease for an apartment
  • Obtaining a library card
  • Entering some government buildings
  • Test drive a car
  • Pick up children from school
  • Rent tools 
  • Rent a hotel room
Would Ms. Lewis have one believe that minorities are unfairly targeted by the requirement for government issued photo identification for any of the above?  Of course not.  It is perfectly reasonable to require confirmation of a voter's identification by checking a government issued photo identification card.  To exercise the most important role of a citizen is no less important than buying a beer.

By the way, The Washington Times reports that participants for a recent NAACP rally were provided a DO and DON'T list that included “DO bring photo identification (driver’s license, passport or other valid photo ID) with you and keep it on your person at all times.”

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