Character and principles matter., in part, defines character thusly: "qualities of honesty, courage, or the like; integrity." It further defines principle as: "an accepted or professed rule of action or conduct."
In a recent conversation, I expressed the view that President Obama displays neither character nor principle. This expression was offered in the context of his rather dramatic shift of stated views regarding same sex marriage. In 2008, candidate Obama staunchly defended the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) definition of marriage existing only between one man and one woman. (As an aside, his commentary referred to his belief being based upon his Christian faith.) Then, after Vice President Biden famously usurped the President in announcing support for gay marriage in 2012, President Obama suddenly expressed a change of belief. This, of course, occurred during the election season.
The individual with whom I was having the conversation asked if it is possible for someone o character and principle to change their stance on this matter. I replied that while possible, it is certainly not the case for Obama, due to the blatantly political nature of the announcement. Even this rather liberal leaning member of the conversation acknowledged that Obama's change of views was not based on honesty, but derived from raw politics.
Thinking more broadly about our current President, there appears to be ample evidence that he is a man lacking in character and principle. The now famously false assertion ("if you like your plan, you can keep your plan, period" comes to mind) regarding the Affordable Care Act easily comes to mind. He clearly does not display honesty or integrity, nor does his conduct convey the like. This is why his popularity continues to decline in the polls. Frankly, the country no longer trusts him.
But the lack of character and principle is not confined to the office of the President. This serious flaw presents itself in a very wide swath of government officials, both elected and staff employees. It is not surprising the elected lean far from the truth on an all too regular basis, demonstrating their lack of character. But it is becoming pandemic in nature for them to lie about nearly everything and anything. In and of itself, this makes electing honest representatives a troubling and challenging process.
It should be the case that a candidate tells the electorate what he or she stands for and believes. The electorate then decides if this is the person to be elected, based on their values based assessment of the individual. But when serial liars and prevaricators say whatever it takes to mobilize a sector of the electorate in their favor, then repudiates basic positions for political convenience after taking office, the entire process is reduced to a shameful, disgusting level.
Character stands for something, though politicians and other government officials appear to stand for nothing but their self promotion.
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