- No free K-12 public education.
- No admission to public universities or "in state" tuition.
- No public relief benefits.
- No social security benefits.
- No public assistance.
- No driver licenses.
- No medical care paid for by taxpayer funding.
- No housing paid for by taxpayer funding.
- No free public transportation paid for by taxpayer funding.
- No enlistment in the Armed Forces.
- No foreign languages will be used in the conduct of government business or support, at any level. English only.
At the time anyone attempts to enroll or enlist in or benefit from any of the above or similar programs, families and individuals must provide proof of U.S. citizenship or valid "green card." If they cannot do so, they will be rejected.
Further, enforcement of our laws regarding illegal immigrants much equally focus on the employers who hire illegal immigrants. Any employer who does so must be heavily fined, by some formula relating to the amount of labor the employer gains from illegal immigrants as a portion of overall profit.
No grace period or grandfathering will be provided. Public announcements will state the above will go into effect in 180 days, without exception.
Any state or local government refusing to comply and comport with the new federal policies will lose all federal funding supporting any public programs. Period. No argument. No appeal.
I believe in legal immigration, as it benefited both my family and my wife's. Let us return to the day of such control and still maintain our open doors and arms for those who properly and appropriately apply for and earn legal immigrant status. Ultimately the costs born by our nation in supporting illegal immigrants will drop dramatically. Additionally, more employment opportunities will be made available to our citizens, as employers are no longer able to pay (under the table) subpar wages to a hidden population.
It's all common sense.
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