I'm tired of:
- Elected officials perpetually campaigning, rather than representing us in governing the nation, state, city.
- The lack of humility.
- The lack of shame for egregious behavior.
- University/college professors and staff demeaning Christianity.
- Unions, particularly teacher unions, expending union dues for political purposes without member approval.
- Elected individuals resorting to demagoguery, rather than reasoned debate.
- A President who talks, but doesn't manage.
- Professional athletes being paid obscene amounts of money.
- Absurd demands for reparations.
- Youth sports being reduced to everyone is a winner.
- The failed K-12 public education system.
- Federal government interference in public education.
- Far too many citizens believing the government must support them.
- Being told all white men are evil and bad.
- Immigration activists waving the Mexican flag.
- Intolerance.
- Taxpayer money being spent on "white privilege" conferences.
- The term "white privilege."
- The gross hypocrisy regarding reaction to the use of racial epithets.
- Children born out of wedlock.
- Narcissistic entertainers and so-called political pundits.
- The generation of race baiting purveyors of victimology.
- Creation of limited "free speech zones" on college campuses.
- Racial preferences disguised (poorly) as affirmative action and diversity.
- Mandatory union membership.
- The LGBT activists demanding we embrace their choice of lifestyle.
- FLOTUS demanding anything.
- Outrageous commentary on TV and radio.
- Big government.
- An Attorney General fomenting unrest and selectively enforcing the law based on his racist views.
- Flag officers in the military chosen for fealty rather than combat prowess and leadership.
- Activist members of Congress, without any military experience, wanting to meddle in and change military matters.
- Abortion supporters describing killing of the unborn as "reproductive rights."
- My tax dollars going towards paying the salaries of Reid, Pelosi, Rangel, Waters, Durbin, Boehner, Jerry Brown, Schumer, Boxer, Feinstein, Holder, Biden, Gillibrand, Franken, Conyers, Barbara Lee, Waxman, and countless others.
- Extremists citing unsubstantiated "facts."
- Racists and sexists who state it is immoral to vote against someone simply because of the color of their skin or gender, then demand we to vote for someone simply because of the color of their skin or gender.
- The names Bush and Clinton in national politics.
- Legislators and chief executives spending more money than the government brings in.
- The lack of honor and ethics in elected officials.
- "Same-sex" marriage.
- Denial and repression of free speech.
- A president who raises the trivial to the level of White House attention, but can't remain focused on national security, running the executive branch, international affairs, the economy, or abuse by members of the federal government.
- A first lady who takes wildly expensive vacations, with the taxpayers picking up the tab.
- Those who state criticism is racism, sexism, or some other form of self-serving -ism.
- Arrogance and disdain from elected members of the government.
- Utterly useless undergraduate degrees being sold by colleges and universities.
- Veterans being treated as expendables.
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