Friday, September 19, 2014

A smart and adroit leader understands

A smart and adroit leader understands he can't possibly be expert in every aspect of the organization he leads.  He understands there are experts far more knowledgeable in the minute details of the organization's operation.  He understands the effective leader harnesses that expertise and guides it to the accomplishment of the goals he establishes.  He understands delegation of authority, but not responsibility, for the actions of the organization.  He understands the imperative of setting clear and unambiguous goals, communicating them to his subordinates, and holding them accountable for achieving them.

When an individual declares that he knows more about policy than anyone in the organization, that he is more expert than anyone in the organization, and that he is smarter than anyone in the organization, he is not a smart and adroit leader.  He is narcissistic and self-absorbed.

Such an individual is, by definition, a failure as a leader.

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