As 2016 begins, one can certainly understand why most of the country is depressed.
The two leading candidates for their political party's nomination for president are sorely disappointing, to the point of unfitness for office. The stock market is in dismal straights. China is pursuing hegemony in the Pacific rim. The ludicrous "deal" with Iran, even as it defiantly launches missiles in opposition to UN sanctions. Another likely nuclear weapon test by the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea (aka North Korea) in defiance of UN sanctions. More American combat casualties in wars for which POTUS unilaterally declared an end. Costs for Obamacare continue to rise. Rising costs for Medicare B coverage. No Cost of Living increase for Social Security. Countless regulations being issued by the federal government. Weak to nonexistent improvement to the economy. Rising numbers of our fellow countrymen not in the labor force. Purposefully stilted media coverage. Outrageous denial of free speech on college campuses. Terrorist attacks and arrests in our homeland. The explosion of national debt under Obama. Reversal of progress in race relations during the Obama terms. Resurgent Russian pursuit of power. Lack of civil discourse. A dysfunctional congress. Unconstitutional actions by the president. The politically driven decision to open all military roles to women. Riots in the streets. Police being gunned down. Exorbitant salaries paid to professional athletes. Christian values being repudiated by elected officials and activist judges. Continued funding for planned parenthood. LGBT demands being forced on others. Flying the American flag being denied in some communities. Islamic lessons being taught in our schools. Rightful anger at deaths from gun violence in Chicago, Detroit, and Washington DC not being voiced by elected officials. POTUS holding forth on deaths due to gun violence, while not doing the same for the thousands killed by drunk driving. And the list continues.
It is understandable to be depressed about the state of our country and the world.
But 2016 can and should be a year for hope. The hope is embodied in the national elections. We, the people, have the opportunity to dramatically change the trajectory the liberals in the White House and Congress have charted. Returning conservatives -- the right conservatives -- to these institutions offers hope for correcting that which has ailed the country. Stop the hemorrhaging of federal funding. Make the tough choices to eliminate wasteful spending. Return enforcement of individual liberty by eliminating the destructive federal regulations dumped on the American people. Make the military what it is by eliminating what it isn't: a social science laboratory for progressive views. Regain our place as the international leader on the world stage. Get the federal government out of state matters. Ramp down the welfare state, returning people to the workforce. Enact term limits for congress. Totally revise the federal tax code. Responsibly pass laws to pay down the debt, while concurrently requiring spending to remain below revenue. Get the federal government out of public education. And the list continues.
There is much reason for hope in 2016.
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