Shortly, after what seems to have been a decade long process, voters will begin making their choices as to who should be selected to carry their political party's banner into the national election for president. As Iowa, New Hampshire, and South Carolina approach, here are questions for Ms. Clinton.
Question. Why was it not a conflict of interest to accept funds from foreign governments when you were secretary of state?
Question. What actions did you take on behalf of the foreign governments that gave money to your foundation?
Question: How is directing one of your staff to remove classification and other markings from a document in order to send it via unsecure means not a violation of the law?
Question: How can you stand for the importance of an individual's character, when you supported Anthony Weiner?
Question: Since you did not demand immediate military assistance be dispatched to help our people during the attacks in Benghazi, why should we believe you will direct immediate military action to protect Americans from future attacks overseas?
Question: Regarding the loss of American life in Benghazi in September 2012, which of your direct actions before, during, and shortly after the tragedy did make a difference?
Question: This is a multiple part question regarding your voting record in the Senate: How many votes were called during your time in the Senate? Of the called votes, how many times did you vote YEA? Of the called votes, how many times did you vote NAY? Of the called votes, how many times did you vote PRESENT? Of the called votes, how many times were you absent?
Question: How can you purport to be an advocate for women's rights and equality, when you remain in the marriage to a serial philanderer and adulterer?
Question: What is your specific view on the sanctity of marriage vows?
Question: What are the meaning and requirements of the oath of office for the presidency?
Question: Since there is a two term limit for the office of President, why shouldn't there be a two term limit for the members of Congress?
Unfortunately, it is unlikely to the point of impossibility that any of these questions will be asked. And it is certainty that if asked, Ms. Clinton would not truthfully answer. But one can dream.
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