Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Double egad!

Perusing the news on-line this morning, I was struck by one graphic in the Washington Post.  Described as being from entrance polls conducted in Iowa at Democrat Party caucuses, two data points comparing Clinton and Sanders stuck out.  On "honest and trustworthy," Clinton was rated at 10% and Sanders at 83%.  On "can win in November," Clinton was rated at 77% and Sanders at 17%.


Can the state of our national politics have sunk to such a dismal level that voters in the Democrat Party Iowa caucuses (1) vote for an individual that only 10% of them judge to be honest and trustworthy, and (2) believe an individual they judge to be dishonest and untrustworthy can be elected president? 

Double egad!

Mattering not that the vote difference between Clinton and Sanders is, at this writing, razor thin (it was reported that several contests were settled by a coin toss), it is stupefying to read that voters in the Democrat Party in one state judge a candidate they overwhelmingly find to be dishonest and untrustworthy capable of winning the general election for president.

It is really very, very sad.  

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