Absurdities and atrocities
“Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.”
Reading this Votaire quotation immediately brings to mind the current election process. Specifically, the absurdities in the long history of Ms. Clinton's comments and actions. And what an atrocity would be a Clinton presidency.
As Voltaire's statement conveys, in pursuit of the presidency, Clinton wants the American people to believe all sorts of absurdities. For example, that she accomplished something as secretary of state; that her private, insecure email server was permissible and there was nothing classified on it; that she landed under sniper fire in Bosnia; that she is just like regular folk; that her judgment is flawless; that the women accusing her husband of abuse were bimbos; that she miraculously and innocently made a ten-fold return on a rather routine investment; that the attack on the Benghazi compound was caused by an obscure video; that the deaths of four Americans in Benghazi does not matter; that she is the original architect of Obamacare; that she is "fighting for us;" that she was dead broke when they left the White House; that all of her grandparents were immigrants; that she accidentally took White House government furnishings when they left; that she was named after Edmund Hillary; that she changed her positions on same sex marriage; that her daughter was near the World Trade Center on 9/11; that the TPP was the "gold standard" of trade agreements; that accepting hundreds of thousands of dollars in speaking fees makes her just one the regular folk; that college education should be free for everyone; and she is "fighting for us."
It is abundantly clear that she regularly lies, lives in the exceptionally rarefied environment of the uber rich, is amoral, and cares solely about self. These negative qualities will certainly lead to an atrocious presidency.
Thinking of Voltaire's statement in this context brings to mind another well know saying that would apply to this election if people choose Clinton.
There's a sucker born every minute.
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