It is mightily concerning to look at our country and see the wide disparities between real America and that which the power elite, main stream media, politicians, and other liberals embrace.
Real Americans turned out in the hundreds to honor fallen Marine Staff Sergeant Louis Cardin. Elsewhere, many liberals fawn over serial liar and likely felon Hillary Clinton, eagerly seeking to elect her to the highest office in the land.
Real Americans wake up each day, thanking God for their health, family, and well being. Elsewhere, liberal judges, educators, unionists, and activists wake up each day seeking to silent Christians and punish the free exercise of their religious beliefs, while simultaneously demanding we accept the views of others.
Real Americans rise, take their morning meal, and then head off to their jobs, doing their best to support themselves and their families. Elsewhere, liberals seek to take more and more from these working real Americans and simply give it away to those considering it a right to take from those who do and give to those who don't, a situation created by the liberals.
Real American warriors wearing the cloth of our country's military go in harm's way, standing ready to defend all the people of this nation. Elsewhere, liberals seek to make the military institution a social science laboratory, determined to force their views on others, while simultaneously reducing our military readiness.
Real Americans tolerate opposing views of others, disagreeing while acting in tolerance. Elsewhere, dogmatic liberals demand that views different from their own be silenced and even punished, while simultaneously demanding that all acquiesce to and accept their views.
Real Americans recognize and honor that the nuclear family (a marriage of one man and one woman, plus their children) is the foundation upon which our country's success is built. Elsewhere, liberals embrace and celebrate same sex marriage, unwed motherhood (sometimes by multiple men), fathers failing to take responsibility for their offspring, and a nanny state philosophy.
Real Americans recognize the need for and support law enforcement, understanding that civil society requires willing obedience from its members. Elsewhere, the liberals condemn law enforcement; celebrate the death of police officers; advocate looting, stealing, and property damage as forms of protest; and condone riots as "freedom of expression."
Real Americans recognize that one gets out of life what he/she puts into it, that achievement is directly related to effort, that self-esteem is directly derived from accomplishment. Elsewhere, liberals believe that simply being is reason for being provided the products of the efforts of others.
Real Americans seek opportunities to celebrate our great nation, proudly standing during the National Anthem, and display the American flag. Elsewhere, liberals criticize our nation at every turn, condemn our success, and demand home owners remove displayed American flags.
Real Americans honor our veterans. Elsewhere, liberals seek to use veterans for political benefit.
Real Americans simply want to be left free to pursue the American dream. Elsewhere, liberals seek to use government, laws, and regulation to stifle the natural freedom inherent to the pursuit of the American dream.
Real Americans accept and embrace Martin Luther King's dream that we not be judged by the color of out skins, but by the content of our character. Elsewhere, liberals seek to inject racism where it does not exist, to inflame through rhetoric, to create tension where none exists, to judge people by the color of their skin.
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