We never truly realize the impact our interactions have with those with whom our paths cross. When, via a chance encounter, we meet with someone from decades past, it is gratifying to be remembered. As lives had followed different routes over the years, the immediate memories recalled from those days long ago are invariably pleasant, humorous, or simply smile producing. To be remembered all these years later is a compliment in and of its own value.
When, after multiple decades, one receives a call from one from the past, it is surprising to say the least. When you discover the individual has taken great effort to locate you, it is very complimentary. When your paths haven't crossed for decades and your are no longer in the same state or even a similar profession, it is telling that one would go to such efforts to locate you.
The only conclusion to be drawn is that you've made an impact on the individual.
That is about the greatest achievement for which we can hope over the years that we travel across this world's stage.
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