Naively, some so-called leaders of our nation, are walking into the sunlight. Caught up in a diplomatic farce created by inexact language, they now believe a rogue will voluntarily and quickly give up the weapons that provide leverage. Blinded by the sunlight, the so-called leaders also embrace a thug as the primary partner in this farce, trying to convince us he will see this through to a happy outcome.
While depending on rogues and thugs, the so-called leaders conveniently forget another rogue who agreed to work with US weapons inspectors, only to aggravate and stymie them time and time again.
And, insulting the intelligence and common sense of the American people, the so-called leaders would have us believe this farce was their plan all along; that the contradictory statements by the two senior US leaders were deliberate; and that the circus with Congress was exactly what they expected and desired.
It is truly dismaying the so-called leaders are naive, forgetful, and insulting.
These are not small matters, to be approached and handled as if they are academic exercises. In the real world, words from so-called leaders have real impact.
It is pitiful that the so-called leaders would rather walk naively into the sunlight, rather than focus on what is at hand, immediately in front of them.
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