Vacation time with my bride, daughter, and grand children was absolutely wonderful. Who can't have fun with grand children? The eldest continuously amazes with her intellect. The middle is a guy's guy, always full of energy. And the 10 month old baby dances when the music is turned up. Being the grand dad is warming and fun. Watching grand ma interact with the grand kids also provides great joy. And, without a doubt, seeing what a wonderful parent our daughter is fills us with pride.
During the vacation, we deliberately tuned out. No news. No Internet. No email. Marvelous!
Now, post-vacation, the blues have arrived.
Our President and other elected leaders are stumbling and bumbling about Syria. All one need do is check the Internet and papers to read the depth and breadth of the serious problems. Pelosi ridiculously ascribes a level of sophistication and grasp of the Geo-political and international security affairs to her 5 year old grandson. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs clearly reveals his lap dog status. All tenants of military operations have been disregarded by the naive and uninformed sycophants surrounding the President. The Department of Justice rails against sensible voter identification requirements. Why should one be able to vote without a government issued photo identification, yet can't buy a beer without it? The California Governor is considering permitting illegal immigrants serve on juries. A Christian, family owned bakery that refused to bake a cake for a homosexual wedding is forced to close, in response to intense, negative actions by the LGBT community. As one opinion writer observed, the Democrats preach inclusion and tolerance, but are actually exclusive and intolerant. Since when is it permissible for someone to demand that I accept that which I find immoral based on my religious beliefs? Anthony Weiner absurdly continues to run for Mayor of New York. POTUS plays golf, rather than calling Congress into session. Media types are extolling Hillary's presumptive run for President in 2016. Hey folks! We have some really serious problems with governance today!
About the only good news I heard was that Bob Filner is no longer Mayor of San Diego.
I love our vacations. Based on the post-vacation blues created by reading the news, think I'll choose perpetual vacation status.
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