Monday, December 16, 2013

I wonder why...part 2

With a cup of coffee at hand, I continue to wonder.

I wonder why...

  • the smile of a friend is priceless
  • folks seem surprised when I hold the door for them
  • the just named Heisman Trophy recipient seems so verbally inarticulate
  • the recent budget "deal" reduces the COLA for retired military personnel under the age of 62
  • members of the media were so fixated on the POTUS "selfie" at the Mandela memorial service
  • anger and vitriolic comments come so easy to so many
  • the love of my bride is so wondrous and consuming
  • some believe vulgarity and profanity pass for intelligent and articulate speech  
  • the on-line version of our local newspaper highlights sports more than any other topic
  • snow angels are so captivating
  • some people don't give a second thought to throwing trash from their vehicles
  • a cold beer goes so well with hot pizza
  • this flash mob performance of the Hallelujah Chorus ( is so emotive
  • a spectacular sunset never ceases to amaze 
  • a teacher's union is demanding severance pay for a former teacher convicted of multiple rapes of a young student
  • country music lyrics treat women far better than hip hop/rap lyrics
  • the 16 year old son of affluent parents only received a sentence of 10 years probation for killing four and critically injuring two while driving drunk 
  • the Counselor to the President, Attorney General, and National Security Advisor had to attend, at government expense, the memorial for President Mandela
  • being a grandparent is so fantastic
  • basically good folks seem so hellbent at taking offense
  • consumers demand five star service at economy prices
  • a professional tennis player wasn't jailed after threatening an official with bodily harm
  • the former mayor of San Diego isn't required to register as a sex offender
  • a six year old boy, after kissing a classmate on the cheek, was initially charged with sexual harassment by the school principal
  • some politicians believe it is preferable to subsidize unemployment, rather than create a positive economy in which employment opportunities are increased  
  • children naturally smile and adults seem to naturally frown
  • folks want to turn airplanes into one big communal telephone booth
  • good (let alone superior) customer service is so rare that when encountered, it seems to be a shock
  • the majority of bikers are far more patriotic than average citizens
  • federal legislators yield to large donors, rather than doing what is best for America
  • the American electorate has wittingly or unwittingly created a permanent political class, by re-electing officials time and time again
  • a long, hard bicycle ride is concurrently fatiguing and invigorating
  • ethnic studies and similar university majors are viewed as worthwhile in preparing an individual for employment
  • advertisers think the average American is totally gullible and dumber than dirt
  • the importance of the basic family unit (husband, wife, children) isn't promoted in popular art, music, film, books, and writings
  • the irrefutably successful models in many charter schools aren't adapted en masse by school districts across the country
  • mandatory national service isn't enacted
  • the nation accepts the unbelievably high school drop out rates for the inner cities
  • parents aren't held accountable for the actions of their minor aged children
  • people who clamor the loudest about tolerance are the most intolerant
  • retailers begin promoting Christmas in October
  • a child's smile is so captivating
  • immigration protestors waive the Mexican flag
  • Chris Matthews believes that the POTUS is the greatest in history
  • some progressives still seek to blame President Bush for what currently ails the nation
  • POTUS prefers rhetoric over governance and management
May you all have a very Merry Christmas.

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