Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Would society be better if...

Would society be better if...
  • those screaming about intolerance were actually tolerant?
  • there were fewer so-called "news" programs on cable television and radio?
  • public education was actually about teaching the youth of our nation?
  • adults learned from children on how to interact with one another?
  • treating each other with respect was the norm, rather than the exception?
  • the words "diversity" and "inequality" were scrubbed from all public sectors?
  • voluntary kindness and generosity were habitually recognized?
  • profanity was eliminated from all public places?
  • proudly flying the American flag was celebrated?
  • English was the only language used in business and government?
  • religious freedom actually existed?
  • the exercise of free speech wasn't vilified by intolerant progressives?
  • smart phones, tablets,and MP3 players hadn't been invented?
  • policemen, firefighters, teachers, and members of the armed forces were uniformly admired by the nation's citizenry?
  • there were no reality TV shows?  
  • honor, dignity, ethics, and integrity were staples taught to our children, beginning at a very young age by parents and reinforced during all public schooling?
  • candor without rancor dominated social discourse?
  • we slowed down to "smell the roses?"
  • at least 95% of American citizens voted in each and every election?
  • every child was raised in a nuclear family (father, mother, children)?
  • personal responsibility was expected and present in all sectors of life?
  • the sexual revolution hadn't occurred?
  • hard work and honesty were the norm and far more prevalent?
  • the positive emotions, generosity, and behavior commonly associated with Christmas were present all year?
  • the lyrics for popular music were positive, rather than negative and full of vulgarity and profanity?
  • being polite was normal?
  • the unconditional love displayed by our small children was shared throughout society?

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