Our Campaigner-in-Chief is on the road proclaiming "income inequality" is his main concern, his main objective as POTUS.
The solution is really pretty simple. Enable people to generate more income, not from redistribution of assets from some to others, but from their own work.
Income is produced by work. Working people make more, improving their lifestyles. By the way, working people pay more in taxes under a fair system of taxation. Working people also have a strong sense of self-value and achievement.
Working people lead to more stable families.
Working people are more engaged citizens.
Private enterprise hires more people than the governments.
So, it's pretty simply. Dispose of economy strangling progressive regulations. Reduce business taxes. Limit the union choke hold by right-to-work legislation.
Make the environment for economic growth real and tangible, not just for those POTUS has seen fit to provide taxpayer loans, but for all. Let the good businesses succeed. Work with the states on tort reform.
It really is simple. Get people off welfare and public assistance, and on to the rolls of the employed.
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