Have you noticed the inappropriate speech pattern exhibited by POTUS? He presumes to use individuals' first names for people he has either never or only moment earlier met. For example, during today's comments about the deaths of Al Qaeda hostages: "As president and commander-in-chief, I take full responsibility for all our counterterrorism operations -- including the one that inadvertently took the lives of Warren and Giovanni."
Mr. Warren Weinstein and Mr. Giovanni Lo Porto were accidentally killed during a reported drone strike on an Al Qaeda target.
To presume familiarity by first name use of two deceased men he had never met, let alone established any relationship, is wholly inappropriate. And this is not the first time this speech pattern had occurred. During official ceremonies awarding the Medal of the Honor, our nation's highest award for combat valor, POTUS has referred to the recipients by their first names during his comments. Again, inappropriate and, in my view, disrespectful. When presenting the Medal of Honor, POTUS should refer to the individual by military rank (Corporal, Sergeant, etc.) and last name. Doing so is both proper military etiquette and respectful of the extraordinary achievement of the soldier, sailor, airman, or Marine being honored.
POTUS does and says many things that exhibit aloofness and haughtiness. The aforementioned speech pattern is but one.
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