Saturday, April 25, 2015

Streets named after them all over the world

There are streets all over the world named for the left's particular brand of free speech:

When it suits them, he left certainly likes to press the envelope on free speech matters, such as supporting university students trampling the American flag.  However, when it does not fit their narrative or suit their likes/dislikes, free speech is condemned an anti-"whatever they call it" or inflammatory or disrespectful or unkind or slurs or racist/sexist/fill in the blank -ist.  

The progressives demand the exercise of free speech for themselves, but actively work to deny it for others whose views do not align with their liberal agenda.  For example, in the case of the veteran who took action to remove the American flag being trampled by university students, it just can't be that waving the flag is acceptable free speech.  In another example, the courts held that wearing T-shirts emblazoned with the American flag on Cinco de Mayo is not protected free speech.  In another case, the exercise of free speech by displaying the American flag was cause for an apartment complex to demand a Houston man remove the flag, because it was a threat to Muslims.  A similar situation occurred in McClean, Virginia where a Marine Corps veteran was also directed to take down the American flag.

Apart from flags, there was the California case in which a university professor removed and destroyed pro-life display materials, because she was allegedly offended.  Of course, she took no action pro-choice displays.  Once again, the left's definition of free speech is conveniently one-way.

Just because someone is offended by or disagrees with the expressions of free speech by others doesn't mean they have the right or standing to demand the cessation of said free speech.  Unfortunately, the one-way culture of the progressives (particularly on university and college campuses) demands adherence to their dogma.  Like students at a university voting/demanding to cancel speeches by conservatives, remove businesses, reject the flying of the American flag, or other manifestations of self-defined intolerance.

In other words, liberal free speech is what the left defines it to be.  Conservative free speech, however, is decried by liberals amid demands that it be curtailed.

So, as the nation marches along, day by day, conservatives beware of the streets named for the liberal view of free speech.


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