The reporting on Mrs. Clinton's deliberately established private email server, which has been indisputably shown that she and possibly others transmitted and received classified information from multiple sources, is just one story capturing headlines. Associated is her claim that she turned over printed copies of all government related communications, which was thoroughly debunked by the emails provided by Mr. Blumenthal that were not in the estimated 55,000 pages provided by Mrs. Clinton. (That she provided printed rather than electronic copies of the emails is also a curious decision.)
That the server and email issue is gaining in momentum and seriousness, much to the dismay of the Clinton apparatus, is but one issue. Others will continue to plague her campaign.
As the damage is reflected in public polls depicting growing rates of distrust of and dishonesty by Mrs. Clinton, more problems will capture the attention of the nation. For example, her dealings connected with the Clinton Foundation while she was Secretary of State.
It is quite likely that investigative journalists are thoroughly examining that issue, even as the private server and email story dominate the current news cycles.
It is equally likely Congressional investigators are thoroughly examining the email communications released by Mrs. Clinton to the State Department, focusing on the time before, during, and after the Benghazi attacks of nearly two years ago. From reports thus far, there appears to be large gaps in email traffic to and from Mrs. Clinton during this critical period in our nation's history. Gaps that led Bob Woodword of Watergate reporting fame to speculate on and compare the missing emails to the the missing 18 and one-half minutes of the Nixon tapes.
Additional problems of her own making will continue to dog Mrs. Clinton. The special status of one of her closest aides. Her lifestyle of the rich and famous, while falsely claiming to be a champion of the middle class. Her rejection of the media. Her famous temper. The aforementioned quid pro quo arrangements with foreign governments and companies. All these problems and probably others will not go away.
And some of the matters are so severe that legal jeopardy may very well attach.
So as Clinton's problems continue, all of her bombastic rhetoric, lame attempts at blaming "partisan politics," avoidance of the media, implausible excuses, shifting explanations, and insulting attempts at humor will not obscure one immutable fact. She is unworthy of seeking election to the highest office in the nation. It is not that a woman can not be president. It is that Hillary Rodham Clinton is not that woman.
So her problems will continue.
Thursday, August 27, 2015
Wednesday, August 26, 2015
Word games
In an all too consistent pattern of behavior, perhaps learned from her husband's example, Mrs. Clinton is engaging in word games concerning the rats nest of a story about her email server.
Parsing language, deflecting commentary, indignation, anger, blaming "partisan politics," hollow attempts at humor, and equivocation abound. Even the likes of the Washington Post's Eugene Robinson see through the attempts at obfuscation (
But the word games can not and do not hide from view the very clear truths.
Parsing language, deflecting commentary, indignation, anger, blaming "partisan politics," hollow attempts at humor, and equivocation abound. Even the likes of the Washington Post's Eugene Robinson see through the attempts at obfuscation (
But the word games can not and do not hide from view the very clear truths.
- Mrs. Clinton deliberately chose to use a private server to conduct official government business, contrary to regulations.
- Mrs. Clinton deliberately chose to have close confidants and staff use the same private sever for the conduct of official government business, contrary to regulations.
- Mrs. Clinton deliberately chose to selectively provide paper, not electronic, versions of self-screened emails, rather than all of them to the government.
- Mrs. Clinton deliberately chose to clean the server, then allow a improperly vetted third party to hold it.
- Mrs. Clinton deliberately chose to have electronic copies of emails downloaded to thumb drive(s) and given to third parties, some of whom may not have security clearances.
- Mrs. Clinton deliberately and emphatically stated that she turned over all government related emails to the Department of State, which has been proven on at least one occasion to be false.
- Mrs. Clinton deliberately and emphatically stated in March 2015 that there was no classified material in her emails, which has been proven to be false.
- Multiple reports have clarified Mrs. Clinton received and transmitted classified material via her unsecure private server, contrary to regulations.
And the list goes on and on, with new revelations coming to light on almost a daily basis. And still she plays word games. For example, in the announcement regarding the server being turned over to the FBI, she attempts to make it sound like it was her decision from on high, when in fact the government was preparing to seize it.
At the end of the day, it is patently clear she chose to employ a private, unsecured server to receive and transmit official government communications, including classified information. Whether or not marked as such at the time, the transmission of classified information over unsecured means is a crime. NO amount of word games can or will change this fact.
Even John Kerry has publicly acknowledged that he assumes foreign entities hack into his insecure email, so we are left to believe the same happened during Mrs. Clinton's tenure as Secretary of State.
As the word games continue, while the Clinton machine works feverishly at damage control and containment, we are left to wonder what will next occur? Will even more damaging information come to light? Will the FBI complete its investigation, leading to indictments? Will POTUS pardon Mrs. Clinton?
More word games to be sure.
Even John Kerry has publicly acknowledged that he assumes foreign entities hack into his insecure email, so we are left to believe the same happened during Mrs. Clinton's tenure as Secretary of State.
As the word games continue, while the Clinton machine works feverishly at damage control and containment, we are left to wonder what will next occur? Will even more damaging information come to light? Will the FBI complete its investigation, leading to indictments? Will POTUS pardon Mrs. Clinton?
More word games to be sure.
Sunday, August 16, 2015
I wonder no more
In an earlier post, I wondered if POTUS would attend the memorial service to honor the Marines and sailor killed in Chattanooga.
On Saturday August 15, POTUS was vacationing in Martha's Vineyard, while the Vice President, Secretary of Defense, Secretary of the Navy, Chief of Naval Operations, and Commandant of the Marine Corps attended and participated in the memorial service.
While others honored the fallen, POTUS played golf and attended a birthday party.
I wonder no more.
On Saturday August 15, POTUS was vacationing in Martha's Vineyard, while the Vice President, Secretary of Defense, Secretary of the Navy, Chief of Naval Operations, and Commandant of the Marine Corps attended and participated in the memorial service.
I wonder no more.
Actions speak louder than words.
Wednesday, August 12, 2015
Iran's actions speak louder than words
It has been recently reported that one of Iran's military leaders, General Qasem Soleimani, travelled to Russia to meet with high level officials, in direct violation of one of the many existing UN sanctions. Iran has confirmed the trip took place.
Well, folks, it seems to me that Iran's actions speak louder than words.
Iran regularly violates UN sanctions, calling into well earned serious doubt about the country's word as it pertains to the so called Iran deal. Our POTUS and SecState would have us believe that Iran is an honorable nation, intent on keeping its word to the nations who sign on to the deal.
More than disappointing is the simplistic and naive manner in which our nation's leaders treat the populace in this matter. Trust us, they say. Trust Iran, they say.
It must be THIS deal or war, they say.
The Ayatollah leading chants of death to American and Israel is only being done to satisfy internal Iranian politics, they say.
All a reasonable individual need do is a little research on the current UN sanctions pertaining to Iran that have been willfully violated to understand that actions speak louder than words.
All the political hyperbole and posturing in the world will not change facts, though POTUS and SecState are insistent that they do.
Put away the paint brushes
Put away the paint brushes folks. There is an increasing and profoundly disturbing propensity on the part of far too many to paint everyone in a racial, gender, cultural, ethnic, or religious group as evil, bad, deranged, thugs, racist, etc. because of the actions of one person identified as being in the castigated group.
Neither you nor I are defined by the actions of another, so it wrong for folks to bring out that wide paint brush and slather on heavy coats of condemning generalizations and characterizations when an individual commits an unspeakable act, or even one with which someone disagrees.
All too often, in the wake of such an unspeakable, mind numbing, unfathomable, heart breaking tragedy, there are pundits, elected officials, activists, and commentators who quickly bring out their paint brushes. Rather than focusing on individual responsibility, they slop on coats of empty and unsubstantiated rhetoric, telling the reader or listener that all people in the same group as the perpetrator are somehow at fault, share the same characteristics, and are likely to commit the same type of act. Ridiculous.
People are not bad because they are white, black, hispanic, asian, muslim, male, conservative, liberal, male, tall, short, etc. Most assuredly, however, there are bad people who are white, black, hispanic, asian, muslim, male, conservative, liberal, male, tall, short, etc. One group does not have a monopoly on perpetrating the most horrific of acts. The outward appearance of a person does not define his/her internal character. Thus, an individual's character can not be determined by merely looking at him/her.
Evil can and does exist in the internal character of some individuals from all groups. Just as does unfettered good, love, accomplishment, and every other positive human quality.
So put away the paint brushes folks.
Neither you nor I are defined by the actions of another, so it wrong for folks to bring out that wide paint brush and slather on heavy coats of condemning generalizations and characterizations when an individual commits an unspeakable act, or even one with which someone disagrees.
All too often, in the wake of such an unspeakable, mind numbing, unfathomable, heart breaking tragedy, there are pundits, elected officials, activists, and commentators who quickly bring out their paint brushes. Rather than focusing on individual responsibility, they slop on coats of empty and unsubstantiated rhetoric, telling the reader or listener that all people in the same group as the perpetrator are somehow at fault, share the same characteristics, and are likely to commit the same type of act. Ridiculous.
People are not bad because they are white, black, hispanic, asian, muslim, male, conservative, liberal, male, tall, short, etc. Most assuredly, however, there are bad people who are white, black, hispanic, asian, muslim, male, conservative, liberal, male, tall, short, etc. One group does not have a monopoly on perpetrating the most horrific of acts. The outward appearance of a person does not define his/her internal character. Thus, an individual's character can not be determined by merely looking at him/her.
Evil can and does exist in the internal character of some individuals from all groups. Just as does unfettered good, love, accomplishment, and every other positive human quality.
So put away the paint brushes folks.
Sunday, August 9, 2015
Concern for the truth
Looking at the state of our federal government and country, there are certainly a multitude of concerns, over a wide range of issues, with which one can be upset. Issues abound: social, economic, national security, political, healthcare, legislative, immigration, taxation, trade, labor, education, corruption, environment, and on and on. The topics seem endless, as do the associated debates, demagoguery, hyperbole, criticism, and misrepresentation. Consequently, it challenging to identify a central or main concern.
After a great deal of thought, basic dishonesty by elected officials and those seeking election rises to the top.
In this context, basic dishonesty is broadly defined as deliberately uttering falsehoods, intentionally making unsubstantiated claims, purposefully misrepresenting information to the American people, making outlandishly untrue statements, failing to uphold or bypassing the law, and acting in unethical ways without a shred of integrity.
Sadly, this basic dishonesty prevails on both sides of the aisle. Whether it was Harry Reid claiming Mitt Romney did not pay income taxes or Chris Christie stating he was appointed US attorney by President Bush on 10 September 2001, outright falsehoods should not be uttered by politicians seeking our votes or holding public office.
We have watched as time and again, POTUS has used the bulk pulpit to intentionally lie to the American people. And make no mistake, POTUS lies. It is not a matter of differing points of view, it is a matter of deliberately lying to the American people. For example, if you like your healthcare, you can keep you healthcare and the Iran deal includes 24/7 anywhere, anytime inspections. Similarly, Ms. Clinton uses her notoriety and candidacy to intentionally lie to the American people. For example, "I remember landing under sniper fire" and I did not send classified information in my email.
The unsubstantiated claims are equally disturbing, whether is was that the violence in Benghazi was caused by an obscure video, the Republicans are making common cause with the Iran hardliners, the Iran deal will prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon, 30% of all American women obtain their healthcare from Planned Parenthood, or that the killings by Nidal at Fort Hood were workplace violence.
Those seeking elected office or serving in one have an obligation to provide the American people the truth. Not opinions disguised as facts. Not unsubstantiated claims. Not hopes or wishes. Not what you want the truth to be. Not what you imagine to be the truth. Simply tell the American people the truth and let the chips fall where they may.
After a great deal of thought, basic dishonesty by elected officials and those seeking election rises to the top.
In this context, basic dishonesty is broadly defined as deliberately uttering falsehoods, intentionally making unsubstantiated claims, purposefully misrepresenting information to the American people, making outlandishly untrue statements, failing to uphold or bypassing the law, and acting in unethical ways without a shred of integrity.
Sadly, this basic dishonesty prevails on both sides of the aisle. Whether it was Harry Reid claiming Mitt Romney did not pay income taxes or Chris Christie stating he was appointed US attorney by President Bush on 10 September 2001, outright falsehoods should not be uttered by politicians seeking our votes or holding public office.
We have watched as time and again, POTUS has used the bulk pulpit to intentionally lie to the American people. And make no mistake, POTUS lies. It is not a matter of differing points of view, it is a matter of deliberately lying to the American people. For example, if you like your healthcare, you can keep you healthcare and the Iran deal includes 24/7 anywhere, anytime inspections. Similarly, Ms. Clinton uses her notoriety and candidacy to intentionally lie to the American people. For example, "I remember landing under sniper fire" and I did not send classified information in my email.
The unsubstantiated claims are equally disturbing, whether is was that the violence in Benghazi was caused by an obscure video, the Republicans are making common cause with the Iran hardliners, the Iran deal will prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon, 30% of all American women obtain their healthcare from Planned Parenthood, or that the killings by Nidal at Fort Hood were workplace violence.
Those seeking elected office or serving in one have an obligation to provide the American people the truth. Not opinions disguised as facts. Not unsubstantiated claims. Not hopes or wishes. Not what you want the truth to be. Not what you imagine to be the truth. Simply tell the American people the truth and let the chips fall where they may.
Saturday, August 8, 2015
Questions for candidate Mrs. Clinton
- Mrs. Clinton, what were your specific accomplishments, listed in order of major to minor importance, while Secretary of State?
- Mrs. Clinton, what were the specific pieces of legislation you crafted, sponsored, or co-sponsored, listed in order of major to minor importance, while a member of the Senate?
- Mrs. Clinton, this is a multiple part question related to your voting record in the Senate: How many votes were called during your time in the Senate? Of the called votes, how many times did you vote YEA? Of the called votes, how many times did you vote NAY? Of the called votes, how many times did you vote PRESENT? Of the called votes, how many times were you absent?
- Mrs. Clinton, what was the singularly most important vote you cast while a member of the Senate?
- Mrs. Clinton, what was the singularly least important vote you cast while a member of the Senate?
- Mrs. Clinton, while a member of the Senate, of the days the Senate was in session, how many of the days were you present and absent?
- Mrs. Clinton, how can you desire to be viewed as an advocate for women's rights and equality, when you remain in the marriage to a serial philanderer and adulterer?
- Mrs. Clinton, how can you expect the electorate to accept that you are truthful, when you have lied multiple times, such as falsely claiming during your 2008 campaign to have landed "under fire" during a 1996 visit to Bosnia?
- Mrs. Clinton, how can you stand for the importance of an individual's character, when you supported Anthony Weiner?
- Mrs. Clinton, regarding the loss of American life in Benghazi in 2012, which of your direct actions before, during, and shortly after the tragedy did make a difference?
- Mrs. Clinton, why did you refuse to appear on the Sunday news programs in the aftermath of the loss of American life in Benghazi in 2012?
- Mrs. Clinton, why did you send and receive classified information on an insecure private email server?
- Mrs. Clinton, what is your specific view on the sanctity of marriage vows?
- Mrs. Clinton, what specific organizations and businesses were you directly responsible for and did you personally lead?
- Mrs. Clinton, what funds did you solicit from foreign entities while serving as Secretary of State?
- Mrs. Clinton, what was the largest number of individuals you have personally directed and supervised at any one time?
- Mrs. Clinton, what was the largest budget you personally prepared and supervised?
- Mrs. Clinton, what were the greatest examples of bipartisan consensus for which you are directly, fully, and personally responsible?
- Mrs.Clinton, what are the meaning and requirements of the oath of office for the presidency?
- Mrs. Clinton, for what action or actions should a member of the White House staff be fired?
- Mrs. Clinton, for what action or actions should a member of Congress be involuntarily removed?
- Mrs. Clinton, since there is a two term limit for the office of President, why shouldn't there be a two term limit for the members of Congress?
- Mrs. Clinton, what are the five main tenants of your national security policy?
- Mrs. Clinton, what is the most important responsibility of the President of the United States?
Thursday, August 6, 2015
The political season leading to the 2016 elections is in full swing. For the interested and informed conservatives, there are indicators that can be viewed positively.
- More funds are being provided Republicans than Democrats, indicating folks are willing to contribute to candidates that will be defeat the Democratic nominee.
- Favorability/unfavorability polls about Ms. Clinton are showing her in a very poor light, indicating that the more people learn about her, the more unfavorable she becomes.
- Ms. Clinton is spending millions of dollars in TV advertising, indicating her campaign in concerned.
- Media chatter about other Democrats (Biden, Kerry, etc.) possibly running for the party nomination is increasing, indicating growing dissatisfaction with Ms. Clinton.
- Media reports about Ms. Clinton's multiple untrue statements on a variety of issues are increasing, indicating weakness in the "inevitability" of her candidacy.
- The FBI has begun an investigation into the security of classified information in Ms. Clinton's email, indicating that the Obama Department of Justice must at least appear to be taking this matter seriously.
- Countless, or so it seems, Republicans have declared as candidates for their party's nomination, indicating all elements of the party are weary of the Obama administration and are determined to put a conservative in the White House.
It is a long way until the November 2016 elections and we mustn't be taken in by spurious and discreet data points. That being said, there are revealing indicators we can read as positive.
Wednesday, August 5, 2015
Family time
Without a doubt, family is the most important part of our lives.
From the beginning of our lives, the family in which we are raised provides the foundation for our future success and happiness. Our (female) mother and (male) father provide the living environment in which we grow, plus offer role models from which we learn. The arguments that single mothers (over 70% of black children are born out of wedlock) and same-sex "partners" can provide the proper environment for a family is simply rubbish. Social scientists are clear on the point that the traditional heterosexual home of mother-father-children provides the best upbringing.
Having necessarily defined the best home environment, let me now get to the meat of this posting.
Time spent with our family is cherished, as experienced recently during a vacation at Lake Tahoe. My wife and I joined our son (plus his dog), daughter, son-in-law, and grandchildren for a week of bonding and smiles. Piled into a vacation home, the house was filled to the brim with love.
The morning rituals, established during other vacations, included my rising first and awaiting the two older grandchildren to awaken. Once awake, they came into the kitchen, where they enjoyed their first bowl of cereal, after a big hug for me. We'd talk low, as the youngest grandkid and other adults were still asleep. Then it might be a game of cribbage with our granddaughter, as our grandson played on an iPad. After a while, the youngest granddaughter, a precocious toddler, would enter the room, declaring, "Hi guys." Eventually the other adults would find their way into the kitchen and thus the day began.
Throughout the week numerous activities provided new memories. Trips to one of the many beaches located on the lake. A half-day fishing charter with my son-in-law. Working on a complex jigsaw puzzle. Bicycle riding. BBQ on the rear deck. Playing with the dog. Horseback riding. Taking son-in-law and grandson fishing and observing our son-in-law teach our grandson how to fish, including the excitement of his first catch. Watching a movie at night. More games of cribbage. And constant laughter. Each evening, the highlight was eating the evening meal out on the rear deck.
At times I was content to just sit back and observe the interaction of our son with his nephew and nieces; my wife in her role as Nana; the grandkids playing with each other; our grandson playing with our son's dog; our son-in-law expertly cooking; our oldest granddaughter working on art with Nana; my son and daughter catching up on the adventures of mutual friends; and all the other little aspects of a family gathering.
Throughout the week, I was in heaven, emerged in this family time, surrounded by the beauty that is the Lake Tahoe basin.
On the last evening, we walked to a spot our daughter had discovered, and took a variety of family pictures. Looking at them, I choose to smile at the character evident in each smiling face.
We are so very blessed y our amazing family. Perhaps I compensate at this stage in our lives, working harder for these family times. For 30 years I allowed my Marine Corps career to dominate. Additionally, I was gone far too often, leaving my bride to raise the kids and run the home. But now that I am no longer in uniform, all these times spent with family have top billing.
And I think these times are important to the kids and grandkids as well, because as we departed to head back to our home nine hours from them, our grandson hugged me and said, "See you in October."
From the beginning of our lives, the family in which we are raised provides the foundation for our future success and happiness. Our (female) mother and (male) father provide the living environment in which we grow, plus offer role models from which we learn. The arguments that single mothers (over 70% of black children are born out of wedlock) and same-sex "partners" can provide the proper environment for a family is simply rubbish. Social scientists are clear on the point that the traditional heterosexual home of mother-father-children provides the best upbringing.
Having necessarily defined the best home environment, let me now get to the meat of this posting.
Time spent with our family is cherished, as experienced recently during a vacation at Lake Tahoe. My wife and I joined our son (plus his dog), daughter, son-in-law, and grandchildren for a week of bonding and smiles. Piled into a vacation home, the house was filled to the brim with love.
The morning rituals, established during other vacations, included my rising first and awaiting the two older grandchildren to awaken. Once awake, they came into the kitchen, where they enjoyed their first bowl of cereal, after a big hug for me. We'd talk low, as the youngest grandkid and other adults were still asleep. Then it might be a game of cribbage with our granddaughter, as our grandson played on an iPad. After a while, the youngest granddaughter, a precocious toddler, would enter the room, declaring, "Hi guys." Eventually the other adults would find their way into the kitchen and thus the day began.
Throughout the week numerous activities provided new memories. Trips to one of the many beaches located on the lake. A half-day fishing charter with my son-in-law. Working on a complex jigsaw puzzle. Bicycle riding. BBQ on the rear deck. Playing with the dog. Horseback riding. Taking son-in-law and grandson fishing and observing our son-in-law teach our grandson how to fish, including the excitement of his first catch. Watching a movie at night. More games of cribbage. And constant laughter. Each evening, the highlight was eating the evening meal out on the rear deck.
At times I was content to just sit back and observe the interaction of our son with his nephew and nieces; my wife in her role as Nana; the grandkids playing with each other; our grandson playing with our son's dog; our son-in-law expertly cooking; our oldest granddaughter working on art with Nana; my son and daughter catching up on the adventures of mutual friends; and all the other little aspects of a family gathering.
Throughout the week, I was in heaven, emerged in this family time, surrounded by the beauty that is the Lake Tahoe basin.
On the last evening, we walked to a spot our daughter had discovered, and took a variety of family pictures. Looking at them, I choose to smile at the character evident in each smiling face.
We are so very blessed y our amazing family. Perhaps I compensate at this stage in our lives, working harder for these family times. For 30 years I allowed my Marine Corps career to dominate. Additionally, I was gone far too often, leaving my bride to raise the kids and run the home. But now that I am no longer in uniform, all these times spent with family have top billing.
And I think these times are important to the kids and grandkids as well, because as we departed to head back to our home nine hours from them, our grandson hugged me and said, "See you in October."
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