Sunday, August 9, 2015

Concern for the truth

Looking at the state of our federal government and country, there are certainly a multitude of concerns, over a wide range of issues, with which one can be upset.  Issues abound: social, economic, national security, political, healthcare, legislative, immigration, taxation, trade, labor, education, corruption, environment, and on and on.  The topics seem endless, as do the associated debates, demagoguery, hyperbole, criticism, and misrepresentation.  Consequently, it challenging to identify a central or main concern.

After a great deal of thought, basic dishonesty by elected officials and those seeking election rises to the top.

In this context, basic dishonesty is broadly defined as deliberately uttering falsehoods, intentionally making unsubstantiated claims, purposefully misrepresenting information to the American people, making outlandishly untrue statements, failing to uphold or bypassing the law, and acting in unethical ways without a shred of integrity.

Sadly, this basic dishonesty prevails on both sides of the aisle.  Whether it was Harry Reid claiming Mitt Romney did not pay income taxes or Chris Christie stating he was appointed US attorney by President Bush on 10 September 2001, outright falsehoods should not be uttered by politicians seeking our votes or holding public office.

We have watched as time and again, POTUS has used the bulk pulpit to intentionally lie to the American people.  And make no mistake, POTUS lies.  It is not a matter of differing points of view, it is a matter of deliberately lying to the American people.  For example, if you like your healthcare, you can keep you healthcare and the Iran deal includes 24/7 anywhere, anytime inspections.  Similarly, Ms. Clinton uses her notoriety and candidacy to intentionally lie to the American people.  For example, "I remember landing under sniper fire" and I did not send classified information in my email.

The unsubstantiated claims are equally disturbing, whether is was that the violence in Benghazi was caused by an obscure video, the Republicans are making common cause with the Iran hardliners, the Iran deal will prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon, 30% of all American women obtain their healthcare from Planned Parenthood, or that the killings by Nidal at Fort Hood were workplace violence.

Those seeking elected office or serving in one have an obligation to provide the American people the truth.  Not opinions disguised as facts.  Not unsubstantiated claims.  Not hopes or wishes.  Not what you want the truth to be.  Not what you imagine to be the truth.    Simply tell the American people the truth and let the chips fall where they may.

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