Parsing language, deflecting commentary, indignation, anger, blaming "partisan politics," hollow attempts at humor, and equivocation abound. Even the likes of the Washington Post's Eugene Robinson see through the attempts at obfuscation (
But the word games can not and do not hide from view the very clear truths.
- Mrs. Clinton deliberately chose to use a private server to conduct official government business, contrary to regulations.
- Mrs. Clinton deliberately chose to have close confidants and staff use the same private sever for the conduct of official government business, contrary to regulations.
- Mrs. Clinton deliberately chose to selectively provide paper, not electronic, versions of self-screened emails, rather than all of them to the government.
- Mrs. Clinton deliberately chose to clean the server, then allow a improperly vetted third party to hold it.
- Mrs. Clinton deliberately chose to have electronic copies of emails downloaded to thumb drive(s) and given to third parties, some of whom may not have security clearances.
- Mrs. Clinton deliberately and emphatically stated that she turned over all government related emails to the Department of State, which has been proven on at least one occasion to be false.
- Mrs. Clinton deliberately and emphatically stated in March 2015 that there was no classified material in her emails, which has been proven to be false.
- Multiple reports have clarified Mrs. Clinton received and transmitted classified material via her unsecure private server, contrary to regulations.
And the list goes on and on, with new revelations coming to light on almost a daily basis. And still she plays word games. For example, in the announcement regarding the server being turned over to the FBI, she attempts to make it sound like it was her decision from on high, when in fact the government was preparing to seize it.
At the end of the day, it is patently clear she chose to employ a private, unsecured server to receive and transmit official government communications, including classified information. Whether or not marked as such at the time, the transmission of classified information over unsecured means is a crime. NO amount of word games can or will change this fact.
Even John Kerry has publicly acknowledged that he assumes foreign entities hack into his insecure email, so we are left to believe the same happened during Mrs. Clinton's tenure as Secretary of State.
As the word games continue, while the Clinton machine works feverishly at damage control and containment, we are left to wonder what will next occur? Will even more damaging information come to light? Will the FBI complete its investigation, leading to indictments? Will POTUS pardon Mrs. Clinton?
More word games to be sure.
Even John Kerry has publicly acknowledged that he assumes foreign entities hack into his insecure email, so we are left to believe the same happened during Mrs. Clinton's tenure as Secretary of State.
As the word games continue, while the Clinton machine works feverishly at damage control and containment, we are left to wonder what will next occur? Will even more damaging information come to light? Will the FBI complete its investigation, leading to indictments? Will POTUS pardon Mrs. Clinton?
More word games to be sure.
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