I noted the following in an earlier post, "According to the NHTSA 10,497 people died in alcohol-impaired crashes in 2016, up 1.7 percent from 10,320 in 2015. Per the CDC, that means approximately 29 people are killed every day in alcohol-impaired accidents. This is a preventable tragedy."
Social media activity seems to drive the news cycle, with the main stream media citing this or that from various social media platforms. Terms like trending, posts, hashtag, etc. now are commonplace in news reporting. Indeed, the impact of social media cuts through all sectors of society, to the point of casting near guilt on anyone caught up in one of the countless movements.
If that be the case, why not a #29aday campaign?
Why hasn't this cause been picked up by social justice warriors and activists? Why aren't one or both political parties making this a major issue for the upcoming elections?
29 people a day die in DUI/DWI incidents (is is not an accident when someone chooses to drink then chooses to operate a motor vehicle), yet the social media bubbles appear to ignore it. Of course, that really means the people addicted to social media, including those choosing to weaponize it, don't seem to care about the 29 lives lost each day. Lost in preventable incidents.
Why not a #29aday firestorm across social media?
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