Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Tuesday's view

This article about details concerning the multiple count indictment against Congressman Duncan Hunter and his wife is the source of considerable anger.

If he is found guilty of the charges, mad as hell won't even cover it.

The source of the is not just that a member of Congress is alleged to have expended campaign funds for personal use.  Hell, it's likely lots if not all of them have.

What angers me most is that a fellow Marine Corps officer is accused of these crimes.  It is insulting and embarrassing!

Officers of Marines are held to higher standards of integrity, ethics, accountability, and responsibility.  It is simply a basic job requirement.

Once a Marine, always a Marine.

The brotherhood of officers of Marines should be sore, angry, pissed off, and just plain mad.

If Hunter and his wife are convicted, they must go to jail.

Update:  Now Hunter blames it all on his wife.  What kind of a poor excuse for a man throws his bride under the bus?

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